What does shaking your ass at a private party have to do with your academics? This is the dumbest situation. This poor girl.
was seen dancing at a private homecoming afterparty on 30 September, behind a friend who was twerking.
she wasn’t even the one twerking
For fucks sake. I hope her family calls the ACLU.
Seems like the easiest way to get into a really good school would be to sue, whip up a media frenzy, and frame it through a feminist lens. Write an essay about overcoming adversity by standing up for what is right, no matter the cost.
BOOM easy admissions.
Yeah if the school tried to honor what the principal is doing that will be a PR nightmare for them. Honor the scholarship, admit her, do what’s right
I’d get the dance team members in on it for vaguely impugning their reputations, because when asked why nothing happened to them, the answer more or less had the implied subtext “that’s fine for them because we expect them to act like hoes, but you’re our hood ornament and should behave better.”
edit: in case anyone is unclear on my position regarding twerking
I agree. She’s literally getting punished for having fun with her friends at a dance party. And her friends should get the same restitution because they were also, having fun. God forbid this incredibly intelligent girl go on to be anything but an avenue for childbirth, or her friends don’t follow the same path
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It sounds like a religious private school, so good luck.
Its Walker High School, a public school.
“They basically told me that I should be ashamed of myself,” Timonet told a local news outlet. “That I wasn’t basically following God’s ideals, which made me cry even more.”
The principal inserted their religion into their job at a public school.
Well that sounds like a damn easy win for a court case.
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It’s crazy. She lost benefits over something somebody else did. I can’t make sense of it. The dogma and brining faith and religious righteousness into everything is out on hand and needs to stop
This is infuriating.
It has everything to do with it because god said so:
“They basically told me that I should be ashamed of myself,” Timonet told a local news outlet. “That I wasn’t basically following God’s ideals, which made me cry even more.” “I felt like my life was over.”
Guys, it’s the same rules as any underaged closet atheist. Study your ass off, become financially independent, then twerk in front of your god fearing scholarship committee
Religion is cancer
Christianity is cancer. My religion supports your right to twerk.
I am interested in your religion
It’s Satanism.
Satanism is only necessary because religion is cancer though. Just like cancer, we need to use another thing that kills to kill it. I’m 100% in agreement with Satanism’s tenants, but it’s because they’re just humanist ideals wrapped in the garb of religion to use religion as a tool.
All religions are tools. Saying “religion is cancer” overlooks all of the good things that people get out of religion, such as a community with shared values that helps each other. If you can have a religion without superstition and dogma, where’s the harm? It’s not religion that’s cancer. It’s superstition and dogma.
I’m in.
I mean if you’re going to be that pedantic about a comment that doesn’t strike me as intending to be nuanced and specific, there are versions of Christianity that are fine with twerking too
Sounds like someone dodged a bullet! Bullet-dodge ass-dance!
Oh that really pisses me off. The poor girl!
@Coasting0942 @sara ooooooh. This is a religious scholarship? or a religious school? Alrighty then at least that makes sense.
It appears to be a public high school.
A public high school in Louisiana, so essentially a Christian school.
You ain’t from around FoxNews Parish, is ya?
He (the principal) said she was punished because she is the ‘hood ornament’ of the school."
Oh for fuck sake! This is crazy old fashioned bullshit right here.
JFC, that’s not just bullshit, it’s outright objectification and misogyny.
Don’t worry he quoted the Bible
the principal had referred to Bible scripture on several occasions and informed her he was ‘well within his right’ to enact the discipline he chose
Ah yes, I forgot that Jesus came down to earth and said “don’t enjoy yourself women, your only purpose is just to have children under our neofascist theocratic regime”
Then an old fuck like that will wonder why one day someone decided to throw a molotov at their window
Deam bro if you that mad I can give you better targets.
Like certain nestle execs or some slave trade associated fucks
Por que no los dos
One can dream…
And Jesus said: Thou shall not SHAKE YOUR RUMP-AH
And a double entendre.
“Shes not a woman, she is a literal piece of flare, FOR MY Institution REEEEE”
Excuse me, Real Life? pump the brakes.
He’s literally objectifying her in his comment
Such a bad and disgusting comment that should have no place today. It goes back to making this poor girl sound like property.
Devil’s advocate: it could just be poor choice of metaphors to say that she’s a representative of the school, which can reasonably choose to be associated — or not — with a certain image and perception of professionalism.
No. he would have used a more appropriate metaphor, His choice of words underlines his thoughts at large.
i would never refer to anyone as a fucking hood ornament. that’s dehumanizing.
His brazen attitude to speak about his thoughts and not consider them to be objectifying is scary.
He could’ve just said “representative of the school” instead though, could he?
I’m getting pretty sick of people saying shitty things because they’re bad at metaphors. People who are bad at metaphors should just not use metaphors.
He didn’t use an inept metaphor. It was exactly the metaphor he meant: that women are objects, property to be exploited by his administration.
This person is the authority who is taking her potential scholarships because of dancing. Your take actually makes it worse. She is just a thing to him and not a young girl doing a popular dance that women do. It’s probably even worse in his mind because it’s a dance popularized by black people from the city.
This would only make sense if it was explicitly explained and forbidden to her beforehand.
And since there’s no way any school who cares about their reputation would do that, no, that’s not reasonable. You can’t hold me to a standard I didn’t agree with.
My. God. The pearl clutching and oppression of the female body these days. We may as well go back to corsets and chastity belts.
I’m not going to encourage a HSer to twerk, but c’mon! You’re going to punish her for having fun at an unrelated and offsite event? Get real.
She wasn’t even the one twerking… she just happened to be near someone twerking… how dare she?
Just when you thought this story couldn’t get and fucking dumber.
Im weak on Louisiana geography and map knowledge,
How far was this from the place where tbe tourism is/was based on women baring their breasts?
Username check out
Low effort post, fails to see point of post they are replying too.
Go back to reddit.
Fascinating, Ive never seen an account self analyze their own comments before.
Ive never seen anyone with such horrible reading comprehension as yourself.
Did someone have to bribe your primary teachers to get you past the 3rd grade?
She’s not allowed to dance offsite at a private party but if you go to the school’s YouTube channel there are a couple cringy music videos of all the staff dancing (including the principal) on school property during working hours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qjnPeUOMjo
And why was he even watching these videos in the first place. They would have just been fun videos the friends made to share with each other outside of school. This was just about him being turned on by watching an under age girl dancing and then punishing the girl for his feelings.
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I, too, am glad we went to school before cellphones and social media.
Story time!
in Kate Manne’s “Down Girl,” about misogyny she wrote: “They put women in their place when they seem to have ‘ideas beyond their station.’”
“Misogynist hostility encompasses myriad ‘down girl’ moves . . . to generalize: adults are insultingly likened to children, people to animals or even to objects. As well as infantilizing and belittling, there’s ridiculing, humiliating, mocking, slurring, vilifying, demonizing sexualizing or, alternatively desexualizing… and other forms that are dismissive and disparaging in specific social contexts.”
Emphasis mine to point out the most relevant portions in this case. It’s a solid read on misogyny that I definitely recommend to anyone.
Next they’re gonna find out she kissed a boy and expel her.
Or they’ll find out she kissed a girl and send her to “conversion therapy.”
What are you talking about? She has already graduated, so how is the school going to expel her? I believe that ship has already sailed
You’re right. Why you have to ruin my joke? Why couldn’t you just let me be happy?
That was a joke? I thought you were taking a jab at that school
So what you can’t shake your ass if you are smart? Thats bullshit. You should be able to strip AND get your masters degree. You should be able to take bikini pics and post your published research papers. What does it matter? Our species is marked by their brown noses.
You should be able to have an only fans and also arrest people!
But for real, you should. I know what you’re referencing, and I see no reason why you can’t have a side job in an unrelated field as a cop.
I’ll say the same thing I said in that thread- I have more respect for her as an OnlyFans star than I do for her as a cop and if shooting innocent black people doesn’t disqualify you from being a cop, then being on OnlyFans sure shouldn’t.
Funny thing is a lot of sex workers near uni towns will actually be grad students working to pay tuition costs, and not like “doctorate in underwater basket weaving” like the right likes to try and demonize all degree paths but work degrees as, I’ve seen MBAs and Law School students doing this too.
It appears that the principal is backpedaling really hard. Even so, the kid still lost out on the scholarship because she missed the deadline to apply through the school.
The mother said in response to the principal’s apology,
“It’s too little, too late. I even told him on the phone conversation when he made it to us at noon today asking us to come into the office and he mentioned reinstating the scholarship, I let him know that the scholarship deadline was done, and the damage that he’s done to her is done. I also told him I gave them the opportunity when I came in there at 7 o’ clock the next morning, to try and rectify the situation at that point. Now, with somebody holding his hand forcing him to do something, an apology being enforced it’s too late,” said Rachel Timonet
Fuck the school system! It’s never been about educating children. It’s only about conditioning children to blindly accept what they’re told by authority.
From my experience, if people are not assholes, there is always a way. I’ve been accepted to a school when I missed the deadline by two weeks regardless.
Unless the school system in the USA is strict and non-negotiable.
It was probably a scholarship for people with lower spinal paralysis. She was all set to collect the money but then she got roped into one of J-Roc’s grease videos.
Nope, after reading the article, it seems she was a student destined to be used for PR by the school and probably also for sucking up to donors. No humanity allowed, twerking is of the devil and such stuff.
Lol, the school was prepared to whore her out, but drew the line at dancing in a video.
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What a disgusting load of bullshit.
The school board is going to investigate. I wonder what will happen.
The article below has more details of the whole fiasco.
Anyone care to share the text of the article?
Disciplinary action taken by Principal Jason St. Pierre this week at Walker High School has brought national attention to Livingston Parish.
St. Pierre removed Kaylee Timonet from the Student Government Association (SGA) due to a video which was posted on social media showing her ‘twerking’ at an off-campus dance, which occurred after homecoming of this year.
The video, which was posted by DJ Savage who worked the event, showed Timonet and friends dancing to a song he was playing. The venue was later identified as Denham Springs Country Club.
advertisement Timonet’s removal from SGA also put two SGA-sponsored scholarships unattainable for the 4.0+ student, who is also President of Walker High’s Beta Club. In an interview with Unfiltered with Kiran (UWK), Timonet expressed just how badly she felt after St. Pierre levied his punishment.
“I felt like my life was over,” Timonet told UWK. "Everything I worked for since I was little, always worked really hard at school.
“Being student of the year, at least having a chance at it, has always been my main goal. I’m starting college this January. I’m done in December so it was a shock.”
advertisement Timonet’s mother, Rachel, was also in shock over the principal’s actions. She said that in a meeting with St. Pierre, she was told that the principal had referred to Bible scripture on several occasions and informed her he was ‘well within his right’ to enact the discipline he chose.
Local social media pages, groups, and residents took swiftly to the internet to express their displeasure. A Walker High student created a specific logo to represent the call that rose up from the community - ‘Let the girl dance.’ Many wanted Timonet reinstated, at a minimum, to SGA… others wanted St. Pierre to resign.
The story reached national media by Friday evening, including the NY Post and Yahoo News.
The school board Friday alerted local media that they have launched an investigation into the discipline, specifically St. Pierre’s handling of the meeting with Timonet and later, her mother.
Walker High School provided the News with a form which is signed by all SGA members. The form states that ‘failure to follow any of the aforementioned requirements, will result in immediate dismissal from Walker High SGA. Any action deemed inappropriate by Mr. St. Pierre will also result in removal.’
The form, however, does not mention anything about off-campus events, referring rules to school-based attendance. It is also vague on it’s references to ‘representing Walker High’ and where that representation begins and ends.
Sounds like some religious bullshit.
“That I wasn’t basically following God’s ideals, […]”
I bet you if a male student raped someone he wouldn’t withdraw the scholarship. It’s because she’s a woman. Well, not even a woman she’s just a girl.
Yeah these people are Christian, that distinction doesn’t matter.
Well when you apply for religious scholarships you should kind of expect this.
Jesus was friends with a prostitute. I’m sure he would be ok with some twerking.
The problem is religious nuts who take everything to the extreme .
Jesus would not condone modern day Christianity but that is not the point. Everyone knows what modern Christianity is about, and prudishness is definitely part of their ideal. If this girl applied for a Christian scholarship, she had to have known at least that much about the religion.
But a good lesson to learn from this story is stop posting anything on social media. Just live your life. If you wanna twerk, do it. No need to show the whole world.
Well maybe his friend was a classy prostitute.
Twerking’s demeaningly ridiculous. Like stripper, yeah, respectable. Stripping’s sexy, it’s alluring. Twerking’s just a somewhat athletically impressive display of how fast can you can convulse your pelvis.
Describing twerking as “sexy” is like someone doing a motorboat on your dick while you wag it bippidy-bippidy up and down across their lips, then trying to sell that as a passionate seduction scene in a romance novel.
Religion needs to be eradicated
Louisiana is fucked. Can these conservative fucking demons finally all move to one place and start their conservative nation like they always dream out loud about and leave the rest of us the fuck alone already?
I think we should set aside some special land, reserved just for them.
See that’s been tried, Abrahamic faiths are inherently expansionist. The only way to get rid of them is eradication of the faith, but we’ve all agreed genocide is a no go.
They’ve done that multiple times boss most notably the southern flight to South America post civil war and again to colonial Africa.
Yes, but I want ALL of them to go, and definitely not just because it would become the greatest place of all time to drop a fucking nuke.
Now, now. Don’t be so hasty with killing all those people by nuke… just use strategic missiles with large yield. There are places we’d probably like to use again.
Fair point, and I hope it’s an uninhabited island, I would want any decent people caught in the crossfire.
Or we could maybe, just maybe, not call for murdering people at all. That’s a fun concept.
why would you need to kill them if they are already isolated
For the same reason you exterminate any pest? Just like cockroaches, they need to be kept from multiplying and spreading. Don’t bother looking for cracks here, I have spent 30 years hating these people with every fiber, my mind is concrete on the matter.
You’re a bit fucking crazy lol.
That’s fine, these people believe that a magic man in the sky has given them eternal life and the rights to women as property and that if you give billions of dollars to already rich people it will magically trickle down to the poor people, it’s just crazy v crazy.
It’s a bit weird to want to kill people over generalizations you are making up in your head
If they tried that you wouldn’t allow that
That principal needs his hard drive forensically checked by the police.
Compared to Afghanistan where girls can’t get an education, I bet these Christians consider themselves very tolerant and progressive.
Religion excels at making idiots into massive idiots, and empower them too.
Wait until they find out their religion is just bullshit
You can’t find out that something is bullshit when you refuse to believe anything you’re told that doesn’t align it it not bing bullshit.
(Or to put it metaphorically: you can’t catch a ball you’re activelly avoiding).
Problem with bulshit is, once the pile is high enough it’s very hard to convince people that there is no pony underneath.
And this particular pile has been heaped on for centuries…
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Recommendations on where to go?
I hear Spain has hung, twerking men
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Alright that’s it I’m learning spanish. Seriously how do I move ? I’ve had it in my head to start putting the pieces in place to move to Spain or Portugal. But I’m an inexperienced 26 year old NEET transfem. I’m not naive, though. I know I’ve gotta twerk like nobody’s ever twerked before if I wanna make my dreams come true.
She wasn’t the one twerking.
She was dancing behind the twerker.
wow really
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Yeah, but you see that is black dancing. Twerking is also black dancing to them. The principal is punishing this girl because of a perceived moral lapse, but there’s always the racial subtext in the South. It reminds me of when all the incels and conservatives freaked out over She-Hulk because of the twerking bit. It’s not just morality, but also racism.
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