Kidnapping and killing random civilians… including at a “Festival for Peace” music festival near Gaza. Absolutely disgusting and horrific.
The “festival for peace” thing has been retracted, the article now says “an all-night dance party, celebrating the Jewish holiday of Sukkot”
It was likely propaganda
The event was billed as a celebration of “friends, love and peace.”
Understandable that makes it better somehow to rape and murder civilians, have a great day
Definitely not what I said, it’s still important to fight misinformation and propaganda.
Ok but beyond the existence of “propaganda”, what are you fighting for in this case by towing this line? What message is the “propaganda” trying to convey that you disagree with?
I’ve always leaned towards the side of Palestine, but no more. Hamas has been assaulting, raping, and murdering innocent people. Where’s the military strategy in that? How does that help Palestinians reclaim stolen land? There’s just no reason and no excuse. The Palestinian people broadly support Hamas, so it’s not like this is a handful of bad apples.
This likely was planned and coordinated with the help of an external power e.g. Iran. I can’t speak for Hamas rationale, but Iran has a distinct interest in derailing the Israeli Saudi peace agreement coming up.
Israel leveling Gaza in response, might just do it. HOWEVER, unlike his pro-Palestinian father, MBS doesn’t give two shits about Palestinians, so this will be good insight into how much influence/power resides in the Saudi King vs the Crown Prince.
Basically, Saudi Arabia formerly making peace with Israel is one of the American requirements for those security guarantees, amongst other issues.
Personally, I hope that deal fails, but only because it’s part of a larger USA policy project in the ME that would provide additional American Military backed security guarantees for Saudi Arabia, which is just bad all around in my opinion.
Please don’t mistake my desire to see that Saudi Israeli peace deal fall through as justification for the attacks, or even a greater interest in the middle east. It’s purely out of my disdain for the American alliance with Saudi Arabia, and my desire to see it end.
Hamas benefits from having a conflict, and atrocities make conflicts harder to resolve. People will die, mothers will cry, Hamas will be there to offer revenge. It makes more sense when you stop trying to see them fighting for their people and more like a power parasite.
This is likely correct, but given this, support should be much lower than it is.
Do you mean support from the domestic population or external sympathisizers?
What the world didn’t need right now was another war. I hope this ends as swiftly and peacefully as possible.
This is not a new conflict, we just ignore usually this one.
This looks like a pretty sudden escalation though
Propaganda escalation in reports
If you think “we” are ignoring a conflict that is never out of the news in western nations for more than a few weeks at most and never at all in the Arab nations, what do you call what “we” do to the numerous other conflicst in Africa, the Middle East, Central and South-East Asia and South America?
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Bibi sure needed it to cover up the mass protests that were taking place after he rammed through judicial reform to keep himself out of jail.
Failure of Israeli intelligence starting to make sense…
Hanlon’s Razor: “Never attribute something to malice that can as easily be explained by stupidity.”
I hope you’re right.
Me too.
Conspiracy Theory. Then why not do it earlier, when the protests were still in international news instead of now when everyone intenationally already lost interest and turned back to watching the Golden Bachelor?
Palestine breached walls and took hostages. That hasn’t happened in decades. Israel is going to make a statement in retaliation.
So this isn’t going away anytime soon.
No usually it’s Israel leveling buildings because Dan slept on the couch and might have thrown a rock at an Israeli when he was 7.
No way this ends swiftly.
Sadly it won’t. Peaceful options were already slim before this. It likely won’t end until Israel has destroyed Hamas.
Yikes. Brutal attack.
Small country too.
Equivalent of a terrorist attack in the US which cost 18000 lives. Six 9/11s.
We all know how the US (over-)reacted to 9/11. Don’t see how this ends well.
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Can we just kick-start the rapture so people in power can stop pretending to care about israel?
Israel’s problems with Palestinians are its own… best of luck…
Why does the headline says ‘600 killed’ and the last bullet point bellow says ‘250 killed’?
Because you can’t read lol. One are Israelis and the other Palestinians.
Thanks for the useless assumption, but I already figured out that when seeing in mobile the bullet points loaded text from a previous version of the article when it was ‘250’. It can be seen in the archive.
So then delete your useless comment than.
of course not how would I laugh at all the people seething otherwise