Good thought, wrong sub.
Yeah this ain’t a meme
Looking for the correct sub for this kind of content. Have a link?
This isn’t a meme
Why is this posted to memes? This sounds like a good way to live life. Stop chasing that next big promotion, or whatever status symbol you think will make you successful.
Just live and try do what makes you happy.
You can be successful in helping others and live one of the most fulfilling lives without needing to be rich*
*Disclaimer: This tends to be a lot more difficult when you’re born poor. If this is the case, try finding someone who isn’t, who is trying to live a fulfilling life.
Problem is I was born in a place and time where I need to do in order to be.
Don’t do the cat!
Are western cultures not indigenous?
Or is this just more US defaultism?
Defaultism by default. It could also be the land of the upside-down, Canada, or anywhere else in the American continents.
Also Nature: relentless, uncaring, powerful, unpredictable, and disastrous.
I hate it how hippies keep thinking nature is some Disney movie shit.
Nah, it ain’t, plants devouring ants alive, monkeys been waging wars and raping their enemies skulls
Ant super colony’s waging wars taking over full continents n shit.
You just described western culture, too.
“To be is to do” -Socrates
“To do is to be” -Jean-Paul Sartre
“Do be do be do” -Frank Sinatra
“DO THE DEW” -Mountain Dew
Baby shark do do do do do do…
Sorry don’t hate me
Being alive for the sake of being alive doesn’t do much to reduce infant and maternal mortality rates. Those are down from pre-industrial levels because incredibly smart people have worked incredibly hard over the last few hundred years.
Yeah, I’m inclined to generally agree with this; what she left out is that now most people can live past 30 now and not die from a bacterial infection after scraping their leg.
I would add that the ideal is likely somewhere in the middle between the extremes of “living off the land and using every part of the bison” and “grinding away your soul until you collapse on the Walmart floor.” Both are too far towards their respective ends of the spectrum.
Holy shit does this instance have a mod? What a fucking shit show over such a positive picture.
Happy indigenous people day.
I already banned people in this thread, but I didn’t remove the comments as they were part of a discussion that was at least in part not total trolling.
I noticed! Sorry I doubted your work. I think Jerboa was failing to block people properly as well.
I’m alive for a purpose. That purpose is to play Red Alert 2
With Yuris Revenge expansion. Mental Omega isn’t half bad either.
Mental Omega is lovely. I enjoy it
So like, is there some place I can go too live like that? One that isn’t private property or owned by the government, etc? I live in a place that is mostly open, mountainous areas, but they’re surrounded by barbed wire and 2nd Degree Tresspassing is a felony.
Not anymore because colonialism has essentially destroyed that way of life in its entirety.
The antarctic maybe? There isn’t much land that isn’t claimed by some group of people
Still trying to work out if being White British means I have a natural mystical connection to the land and spirituality.
Sure. To the land of Britain. Read up on the Druids and go dance around Stonehenge or something.
I have a soft spot for Wicca despite knowing it was mostly made up by white British people. Because it’s a deliberate mindful attempt to recapture the old ties between white British people and their land and ancestors that lie underneath sixteen hundred years of Christianity. And that’s worth doing.
Europeans fucked everyone in the ass.
I hate doing 9-5 and hate myself. FML
Bro Europeans aren’t responsible for everything. If todays folks in your country wanted to do things differently then nothings stopping you
If todays folks in your country wanted to do things differently then nothings stopping you
US “anti-authoritarian” interventionalism has entered the chat. Just look at Vietnam, the Philippines, Hawai’i and Latin America.
Gotta blame whitey somehow
Bruh we started it now we need to finish it.
nothings stopping you
I feel like the caption doesn’t summarize the spirit of the quote. The indigenous folks cooked, told stories, made art, danced, fell in love, made enemies, had sports, and formed various unique cultures. There’s a lot of “doing” in a that. For me this reads as you don’t need to grind to make other people wealthy and collect a lot of plastic bullshit that Instagram convinced you was necessary for happiness. But like we’re all slowly, collectively realizing this right?
It’s always “western culture” being compared to a vague “indigenous culture” in these posts.