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LGBT people deserve the same respect as everyone else. It’s not an ideology, it’s a human right.
You are free to disagree with their lifestyle, but not their existence.
I’ll give this comment a benefit of the doubt and won’t remove it, but please refrain from the same comments in the future.
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One of the rules of instance is inclusivity. Your comment came very close to breaking that rule. Everyone deserves the same basic respect.
You’re considered an extremist in America because you take every opportunity to go off on an unhinged rant about “alphabet people” and insinuating some perverse agenda with children that no one really holds but (almost definitely) you. This is an article about a country lashing out against defenseless, marginalized people and here you are whinging about America not pogroming gay folk.
Get some help. Figure out why you hate these people who have done nothing to you or anyone else.
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I think if you want someone to stay away from children on the basis of their sexual orientation, you are saying you hate them. You are implying they will abuse children on the basis of their sexual orientation. If I said all white men are sex abusers, you would rightfully assume I hate all white men based on my disgusting statement about them.
You do not get to dance around the idea of saying “gay people should not be able to exist at all in public life, hold any position in which they might be anywhere near children, or advocate for their rights in any way” and then pretend we are reading too far into what you are saying when we elaborate on your very clear subtext. Take your concern trolling to somewhere where people fall for this shit like Facebook.
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Oh, so you’re a pearl clutcher. Have you ever wondered why even people who don’t ascribe to any of those “ideologies” stop talking to you after a few weeks? Why none of your friends from your time in (likely only up to high school) education keep in touch anymore? It’s because you’re a delusional piece of shit. You literally have trouble talking to gay people, nobody decent can do anything with you that involves going out in public because you can’t read a room.
I hope you realize at some point before you die what a huge mistake you’ve made by letting your fears of a made-up boogeyman rule your life. You probably won’t, since this take usually comes from someone comfortable with never leaving the house, but you have literally let fear lock you out of being a decent person to socialize with for any normal human being. The only remedy is to interact with individuals, and you’ve all but annihilated that chance in your personal life with idiot comments like these.
I hope for your sake you’re a child yourself who has someone sick whispering this garbage in your ear, because at least then you have a chance to realize what’s going on and fix it before it’s too late. If you’ve become an adult and you’re still like this, maybe simply delete your account and move to russia. There are leaders who share your ideas and you can go die for them.
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I would rather have children shielded from your hateful bigotry than from the existence of people who do not fit into your ideal. I explained why your insinuations about gay and trans people and children are hateful and despicable, that’s why people despise what you say.
I find it interesting that the very idea of trans people upsets you. Are you this way about anyone who isn’t exactly like you?
many accept themselves, they’re just not comfortable being open when there are people like you around
and what is this “perversions” and “ideology” you speak of? to be honest cristianity has a much bigger foothold in America and you should be much more concern about that ideology than in LGBTQ+ topics
Existence isn’t an ideology. You might as well say black is an ideology. You’re deeply uncomfortable with people different from you.
You want to keep children safe, keep em away from religious leaders. The groomer bullshit the haters throw at LGBTQ people is just that: bullshit.
So in what way are children a part of any of this? Because some children are being taught not to hate, you’re afraid?
Go back to the sewers.
Sorry you’re hurting babe. Snapchat me?
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The fuck are you on about