I loved the response he gave for that rumor.
It was essentially… "Do you think I’d be here giving this interview if I could do that?
Love that he knew about the rumor.
Also Richard Geere stuck a hamster in his ass
- the sound Richard made when lemmiwinks reached the small intestine
And Rod Stewart had his stomach pumped because he sucked off too many dudes.
Stewart actually mentioned this in a recent interview. According to him, he had a gay personal assistant that he ended up firing, and the guy spread this rumor for revenge.
Sure …
Rumor confirmed then.
Bruh, it was a gerbil
Leave the innocent hamsters out of it!
Oh, that makes way more sense…
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It’s such a believable rumor though.
I definitely don’t not believe it
Yeah but middle school you totally would
Edit: got me with yer frickin double negative you bastard
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You don’t need to remove any ribs to do that, though…
I think more than flexibility plays a role here.
Not as impressive but in the town where I grew up there is a really skinny woman who seems to be jogging like non stop. When I was in elementary school there was a rumor saying she had some disease which would make her heart stop if she stopped running and all the kids thought it was true. A few years ago when mentionning it to a younger sister (6 years difference) I learnt the rumor was still going strong when she was a kid, and then we both learnt that it was still the case when our even younger sister (12 years difference) was a kid.
There was an old man and his elderly wife that would take regular walks by my school as a kid. The woman looked like she was made of plastic and the rumors were that she was a giant doll. They called her the barbie lady. When my sister went to school it was just the man walking and the rumors were that he melted his wife and made his cane with her. Kids are WILD. Those poor elderly people were just trying to have a damn walk lol
Damn… It was just him walking though that sucks :(
A rumour so strong that your friend’s uncle (who works at Nintendo) heard it and designed spoink
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There’s a tutorial on the hub. Which I shouldn’t know.
That rumour was everywhere by the end of '94. Not a lot of millenials in high school then. Almost all Gen X.
Late '80s. I was in middle school. That shit spread like wildfire.
I heard the rumor back in '74 when Malta became a republic.
I heard it back in '68 but it was about Paul McCartney
I fuckin love you guys.
And by the time Millennials were in High School we almost certainly had Internet.
Who’s this “we”, white man?
…I was poor and didn’t have it until I started art school in ‘99
I didnt know that only white people had internet access before 99. I’m glad they let us in, eventually. I had internet access at school before 99, but it must’ve been a white school or something.
It must be cool to be white and immune to being poor.
Edit: this comment was a Lone Ranger quote. Not just nonchalant racism. I haven’t seen that movie in ages. It is a classic. Carry on friend. I apologize for assuming the worst.
It’s a line from Lone Ranger (not the Johnny Depp one).
You are right. I haven’t seen that movie in ages and forgot. I thought the person I replied to was just race baiting at first, but they were just vibing. I apologize for jumping to conclusions.
It’s cool, I shouldn’t have expected many people to get the reference, being how outdated it is even for me
Just vibing is the way to be, yo
You probably have to add /s or root_beer won’t know otherwise.
Perhaps I should have because you missed my point completely
Lmao nah we understood you
I heard it in 5th or 6th grade around 2001-2002. So still millennial. The post says elementary school not high-school… Just not the 90s in my case
Never heard of him until the rumor. Took one look at him and believed it 110%
“Bro, just look at the back of this cd case. They’re drinking his piss through a hose. Of course he had his ribs removed to blow himself. He’d cut himself in half to do it!”
Never heard of him
Fuck, we’re getting old.
It felt like it was going to take forever too, and here we are, with our loose skin and our old balls. Gross.
Even further back, there was the same rumor about Gene Simmons from Kiss
I heard he cut the small thingy under his tongue so he could get it out farther, is that real or not 😅 ?
I believe that this is not an unnormal thing to do especially for babies that are having trouble eating
Yep, they even gave it the cute name of being tongue-tied
Interesting, didn’t know that!
But what about the rumour … 😁 ?!
Yes! (That thingy being the frenulum). I heard that rumor when I was a kid back in Argentina. I’m 50 now. Afaik it’s not true. He just have a long tongue.
Edit: from his autobiography:
I was oblivious, for the first thirteen years of my life, that I was endowed with a large oral appendage, my superlong tongue. It really was longer than everyone else’s, and I was soon to find out that having a long tongue came in handy with the girls.
Glad to see the other misinformation classics like Richard Gere’s gerbil mentioned.
Anyone remember Jamie Lee Curtis was secretly a hermaphrodite?
It was known. I don’t trust anything I learned pre Internet anymore, including the number of planets.
When I was a kid in the '70s the big rumor was that Rod Stewart had to go to the hospital once to have a gallon of sperm pumped out of his stomach. I was surprised when I saw a fairly recent interview with Stewart where he mentioned this rumor and he was even aware of where it came from.
This rumour was recycled for New Kids on the Block in the 80s.
And pretty much every female musician or actress.
I mean a gallon of anything is a lot but if you drank too quickly I think you’d just vomit
Heard this about Lil Kim
Where’s the one about Rod Stewart’s stomach getting pumped at the hospital? That was a doozy that I heard in two different countries and two different languages, and this was in the late-70s/early-80s, people didn’t even have fax machines then. How did this one get around so quickly?
Anyone remember Jamie Lee Curtis was secretly a hermaphrodite?
Yes, I remember that one!
And Catherine the Great really liked horses…
It wasn’t millennials who started that one. I heard it from my genx history teacher. Who honestly I had a lot of respect for at the time, maybe because he told us stories like that, but the more I learn about the world the more I find he was so full of shit and he was like my favorite teacher so its disappointing. One of these days I’m going to find out that the Maginot Line was actually a great idea and if you are France after WW1 you should always build the Maginot Line.
Re Catherine the Great’s horse thing, my understanding is that the stories were contemporaneous with her rule and that all powerful women in europe had similar sorts of things said about them. There as a whole early tabloid industry describing in detail the various imagined exploits of Marie Antoinette.
Rod Stewart’s pumped stomach is unimpressed
I heard that one too!
Apparently he addressed it himself:
“I have never orally pleasured even a solitary sailor, let alone a ship’s worth in one evening. And I have never had my stomach pumped, either of naval-issue semen or of any other kind of semen.”
What’s this one about?
Something about needing his stomach pumped because there was too much semen in it.
I heard this but about Britney Spears
that’s a lot of semen
Heard it for Gwen Stefani
Heard it was Lil Kim
Heard that was Marc Almond
Heh. I think that was one of the first things I ever went down a rabbit hole to understand on The Internet. And it eventually led me to learn that with just a bit of yoga (which you should do anyway since it is a great way to improve flexibility and general muscle health) you don’t need to remove the rib. Admittedly, I have too much of a “dad bod” and a “beer gut” these days. But… it is totally a thing.
This is why I’m losing weight. It’s not as motivating as I hoped it would be.
it is totally a thing.
What was your experience?
It’s… okay.
Feels like sucking a dick (which is fine if you’re into that, which I am), but with a lot of back and abs discomfort, which I am definitely not into.
But yeah it’s not actually super hard to do, just needs a few weeks of practice, and maybe a slightly lower body fat percentage so you aren’t getting in your own way.
He sucked his own winky
I went to a 20 person private school in rural Oregon at the time and even heard it.
That and everyone drawing Stussy symbols for a hot minute.
Hell, I’m from a South American country and even I heard it!
New Zealand checking in, for Marilyn Manson and for the stussy symbols.
It’s the infinity symbol 😂😂😂.
I heard it was Prince in the early 90s,before the internet.
same here
Amazingly this rumor actually has its origin from Gabriele D’Annunzio in the 1930s. It has been repeated for other famous people throughout history.
I heard it about David Bowie in the 1980s.
Damn, that rumor was still going around in the early 2010s when I graduated high school.