I have two things to say.
When Schrödinger was present in the SGC (season 3, when they dealt with the Tollan), the standard issue service weapon was still the MP5. The P90 was only introduced around the middle of season 4.
I don’t think I can make fun of trekkies being obsessed with their trivia anymore.
You can make fun of anything if you try hard enough!
Luckily p90s were issued before the Tollan were wiped out by Tanith.
So theoretically it’s possible, but only technically. I got the feeling they didn’t visit the SGC after they left except the two other times we see them. During O’Neill’s “rebel” phase to expose Maybournes’ off world shenanigans, and the very episode where they end.
I might be a bit of a Stargate nerd… And I can’t even make fun if star trek nerds either because I’m one of those, too…
Ah yes, the P90. Famous for only having a single 5.7x28mm bullet in the magazine.
You know I wonder how much they spent in blank ammunition for this show.
Technically none for the first season or two when they were using the P90. FN didn’t make blank 5.7mm stateside yet, so the armorers were buying regular ammo and converting it to blank ammo.
At least $5.
They do make civilian p90, called ps90. For all your home defense needs.
5.7: For when you hate your wallet as much as you love firearms.
Let’s be honest, civilians don’t choose the PS90 for its performance as a firearm. They buy it because it looks cool.
But it does look fn cool
I can’t tell if that was a pun, but if it was, well done.
Accurate take.
I just chuck half dollar coins at intruders and skip the middleman.
I’m poor and use used D-cell batteries.
Whoa whoa… this isn’t Shay Stadium…
I feel that the whole point of the P90 is the small form factor and the full auto combined with a small fast projectile that is unlikely to over penetrate. Given the longer barrel and lack of full auto of the PS90 you might as well get a five seven for home defense if you want that Gucci factor.
Don’t they fire 9mm pistol rounds?
That’s why the accompanying pistol is called the “Five-seveN”
Huh. TIL. The one I was looking at must have been chambered differently
Really unlikely. The whole point behind the P90 was as an alternative to 9mm and FN decided on 5.7x28mm. I’ve heard of (9mm) M11s being modified to look like P90s…maybe that’s what you saw?
The Fiera Ferrari of guns… interesting.
if you ever find a 9mm P90 let us know
I want to share this with someone but I’m not sure I know someone with the requisite knowledge to find this funny
Literally my first thought.
All the people with appropriate meme knowledge don’t watch Stargate.
All the people in my life who watch Stargate wouldn’t get the meme. They might get a chuckle from “lol random” type humor but that’s it.
How could this happpppen to meeeee ive made my mistakes
POW! Right in the symbiote!
I can’t properly express how much I love this.
Now I want to hear Christopher Judge shout “tally ho!”
Needs more zat.
Pfffffff muskets and cannons would still be better. Tally Ho indeed!
Depending on which year of the show it was, this could be true!
There goes my hero