I wanted to try out Serato Sample’s new stem separation tool added in 2.0 so I downloaded a crack to see if it was worthwhile.
Only now a week later do I remember I purchased the old version on sale and think to check if it’s a free upgrade.
Now I can’t decide if I want to bother uninstalling and installing my legitimate copy
Shit, I’ve pirated something because I forgot I had already pirated it.
Came here for exactly this comment verbatim
Well then it’s a good thing I made it
I pirate because it’s more convenient. No launcher, no update, no DRM, no need to be always online. I still purchase games but still play the pirated version.
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I bought a physical book, but I like reading from my Kindle better so I pirated a copy of it as well.
I quite often do this for art books, I find it easier on my eyes reading text on the pirate ebook version (I can make the font as big as I need), but use the hardcopy for eyeing up the pictures
I’ve been pirating for years and am literally just now learning about exactly how bad the launcher apocalypse has gotten. Didn’t even know you needed one for legit Ubisoft games lmao.
And nothing of value was lost.
I don’t know if this works for all Ubisoft games, but for Rayman Legends there is a dll that will circumvent the stupid Uplay Launcher and just make it launch normally (see https://steamcommunity.com/app/242550/discussions/0/3647273545686004759/ , comment by murla)
I bought a physical book, but I like reading from my Kindle better so I pirated a copy of it as well.
I found my home server is sooooo much faster and more reliable than my streaming services. I usually forget I can watch in a legit way. No ads to skip, stupid popups when you pause, or buffering issues. I ❤️ Local Files!
I’ve considered this before too. Watching a movie on a streaming service only to see it buffer and decrease quality before more visually intensive scenes. It’s pathetic how easily I could find a better encoded rip, stream it to my TV, and actually be able to appreciate those scenes the artists worked so hard on.
I pirated a game because my parents had a party at our house and I didn’t want to deal with people while getting the game from the living room.
For the curious, LoZ:Twilight Princess.
I have pirated games I own because the game was downstairs and I didn’t feel like going down there.
I love this
Basically everything on prime video because I can’t stand the lag on the official app
Same. Since they don’t support Linux. (Only low quality playback on Linux)
I have pirated stuff I know I own because the pirated copy was better quality than what I actually paid for.
I’ve own GTA 4 on Steam for years but recently sort out a cracked copy because I keep having issues with Rockstars shitty DRM and them removing songs from the radio in updates.
Who doesn’t have issues with Steam. In my case I have two older games who’s Steam versions plain suck, pirated versions however, just flawless.
That’s on the publisher, Rockstar sucks a lot for old games.
Ahaha you jumped directly into Rockstar, in my case one game was EA and the other Microsoft / Xbox studios etc.
“Games For Windows” was a crime against humanity. One day after an update, my copy of Bioshock just wouldn’t work any more. Assholes.
I once pirated a book I wrote because it was faster to download a pirate PDF than to find my original files and export a PDF myself.
It still counted as piracy because the book was owned by a company I used to own.
The most moral piracy possible.
Man, I’ll download stuff just because I don’t want to dig through all the DVDs lol.
But, yah, I actually have done that a few times. I even did it twice with goonies. I keep forgetting that I got it as a gift on DVD years ago, get a hankering to watch it, and I’ve got so many files that it’s easy for my dyslexic ass to miss one while scrolling.
Did it with several of those older nostalgia movies here and there because of the same reason. But I still never get around to dyslexia proofing my file naming lol.
I bought starsector but I have no idea what my actual key is anymore so I always just use the key from SsethTzeentach’s video on it. So it’s technically piracy but from what I’ve heard the Starsector dev doesn’t care that people just use that key because that video and the key being released publicly made their sales go way up anyways. They’re one of the few devs that realizes that piracy doesn’t actually hurt their sales.
Hey Hey People
More. I downloaded The Last Wish in PDF I think, but I forgot I had bought the book. After a spring cleaning I found a second copy of the book I had bought.
I’ve downloaded a car. Now I have 2 car.
Yes, because I lost the original version.
I spent hours trying to find a specific DVD and gave up. Found it by other means in about 10 minutes.
Eventually I found the DVD about 6 months later misplaced in a CD case.
Didnt lose any sleep over that one.
GTA: SA. I have a DVD for the official PC version, it’s the one with all the music still intact. I often re-download it on TPB and then remember that I made an ISO of my good ol’ DVD version ^^
I pirate things I have right in front of me!! Scratched DVD’s that won’t rip, same for CD’s, and sometimes old digital formats that are no longer well supported, or in the case of eBooks, don’t re-flow properly. Yes, some of us are still doing weird shit we got used to on Blackberries and Palm Pilots(These days I use Sprint Reader, but I’ll also read the material normally when studying for a test).
Some shows or movies I pay to stream don’t work well on whatever device I’ve opted to play them on. Knowing why doesn’t magically give me the means to transcode as needed without screen capture; Piracy skips the steps of watching them on a device I didn’t mean to just to edit/trim and then have them in a format I no longer need!