I find the quality and variety of discussions on the fediverse to be lower than what I had on reddit. Lemmings have strong preconceived notions and little interest in changing viewpoints from new information. I think I’ll be switching back.
Edit: you’ll find that most of the comments deny any shortcomings of the culture and go directly to invalidating my opinions via character assassination. If lemmy was a community that actually stood for the ideals which it espouses it would take constructive criticism in the spirit in which it was intended. QED.
I think I’ll be switching back.
Not possible. The reddit that you’re longing for died a very long time ago. Subreddits are entrenched into their positions and will only berate you and bash you if you go against that grain.
What you’re describing here isn’t lemmy. It’s the internet in general.
Edit: Ohhhhhhhhhhh. This explains why you don’t want to be here. It’s not that this place is an echo chamber. It’s that you’re petrified of logic and fact.
OP must have just noped out of government and economics in high school.
He probably just hasn’t gotten to that year in high school yet
You just described most Americans, sadly…
My first thought reading the title was “Better check his posting history, probably alt right.”
They are certainly outnumbered on lemmy and face factual rebuttals without insulation of echo-chamers.
Get 'im, Stamets!
Slapping the rails like this is exactly the lack of nuance that lemmy has. You’re either with us or against us. That’s not how people look at issues. What matters is how people are treated. I’m not going to vote for someone who harms people. Being pragmatic to avoid a bad scenario? Don’t even bother.
Being pragmatic to avoid a bad scenario?
You’re not being pragmatic. Being pragmatic is to take the lesser of two evils. You’re taking a different option entirely. Inaction. That is why you aren’t respected for your political opinions.
“Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.” - John Stuart Mill (A quote butchered and falsely attributed to Edmund Burke)
Being pragmatic is to take the lesser of two evils. You’re taking a different option entirely. Inaction.
I will admit I fell into this during the first election cycle in which I could vote, which was 2016. I couldn’t stomach voting for Hillary after the Debbie Wasserman Schultz/DNC corruption with Bernie.
I dispised trump, but refused to vote for the lesser of two evils. Never again… I’m not a big fan of Biden, but I voted for him and I will eagerly do so again.
I get it. I don’t think anyone expected Trump to be as truly horrific as he was. A bad president? Yes. But a nigh dictator? What a lot of us feared but never thought it’d actually happen. But at this point it literally is the option between a mediocre president who could do a lot better and the death of the republic. Glad you see that. Wish a lot of people like OP would too.
Anyone that knew his track record did. He’s always been a petulant child. He’s also had criminal connections since the '80s at least. He’s had ties to Russia since the mid '90s. He bankrupted a casino, maybe two. He’s only had one successful business in his life, and that was his “reality TV” show. I saw his face when he won, he was expecting to lose, and nobody in that room was happy when it was announced that he won. They all realized that all their dirty laundry was gonna come out with the level of scrutiny that the POTUS is normally under.
I personally didn’t think he had a chance to be elected… I thought Hillary was going to win and didn’t want to cast a vote for her because I disliked her as a candidate. But I would definitely go back vote for her if I could.
What did he do that was being a dictator? Pulling out of Syria?
Your entire account is dedicated to making inflammatory and trolling comments. I’ll pass on this discussion, thanks.
And that attitude is why they will never change.
Why change when people will always bend the knee?
The solution isn’t just voting. Vote for the better of 2 shitty candidates, AND get involved at the local level to fight for change. Sometimes that can look like getting involved in local politics to push the democratic party left from the ground up. Other times it looks like mutual aid and community organizing.
How is contacting politicians and alerting people to key issues (that will cost the election) inaction? Inaction is plugging your ears and saying “nothing can be done to change the status quo”.
I don’t plan to vote
Contacting your elected officials and trying to get them to do something? Awesome! Allowing the entire country to fall into the hands of a fascist, dooming millions of people to starvation, debt and medical problems until they die, ruining a democracy, and fucking over one of the worlds largest economies because the president won’t simply say a thing you don’t like? Pathetic and also inaction.
Receipts! Kapow!
You have exactly one bargaining chit with politicians each election. First you need to make it very clear what is required in exchange for it, then you need to follow through. If you fail to do either then you’ll just get more of the same or worse.
If you fail to do either then you’ll just get more of the same or worse.
I know! I’ll stand in front of an A-10C and get the pilot to pull the trigger so that way someone can’t shoot me in the toe with a Daisy Air Rifle! I’m a fucking genius.
Ignoring everything else, Reddit also lacks nuance. Both of these forums live in a black and white world, and I agree that you’re either on their side or you’re against them.
I don’t agree with other things you’re saying but I really only wanted to comment on that one issue. There is no nuance.
Good fucking god, you’re a moron. How did Reddit ever let you leave?
I switched back after some drama with a petty mod. I’ve found that so far, the quality of content on Reddit just isn’t there anymore. In fact, I’d go as far as to say it’s hot garbage. Unfortunately, the niche content I enjoyed and sometimes relied on just isn’t here, so now I flip back and forth between them.
I’m still beyond pissed about 3rd party apps, though. The official Reddit app is a steaming pile that wants to be TikTok SO BAD.
Why not just access via browser? If they try to hit you with the “unverified” or “NSFW” content pop up, just put ‘old.’ before reddit in the URL. I refuse to put that shit app on my phone for spez to use as a data farm.
old. is unusable in mobile browsers.
Apart from having to zoom a lot, it’s still manageable. I’m on IOS, and I have both old and new reddit as bookmarks on my homescreen. Then I have SinkIt for Reddit that makes the mobile browser version more tolerable if I choose to not use old.reddit. Never needed to install the official app.
I do! Firefox with pretty much everything blocked. It’s just annoying that Spez has made it so I basically have to
Same, though i did delete my account, so I usually doom-scroll popular…
It will be easier to quit reddit as they essentially certainly will make even more astoundingly stupid decisions that make things even worse in pursuit of IPO and profitability.
If reddit exists in 5 years, itll basically be a total laughing stock with only the most die hard, most insufferable, most god complexed and most stereotypical /reddit/ users, basically viewed with as much derision as maybe say 8chan is now.
We’re already quickly approaching that reality. It’s pretty well enshittified
Same. I only go to Reddit for those niche tech topics that I can’t find useful info anywhere else. I really want to abandon it wholesale, but Reddit has pretty much completely captured the audience for a lot of more niche topics.
Do you have a few minutes to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Linus Torvalds?
I use Arch btw. /s
Wayland is the worst, in this 4 hour video essay I will …
People who hate Wayland are the worst. In this five hour video essay I will…
Will you kids get your bloody GUIs off my lawn!
Also nobody should ever own a car ever. Everything should be some form of bike. Firetrucks? Nope, Bike. The trucks that deliver groceries to the store? Bike. People who live in Northern Minnesota who live a 2 hour drive from that grocery store? I don’t care if it’s minus 8 out get those little bitch legs peddling.
Oh hi, I live in Minnesota. Assuming you called out the state because you live here too, I’m sure you’re also aware of how bizarre this winter has been. That’s because of climate change. We can make the state far more walkable, and we’ll need to so we can get control on climate change.
The anti-car movement is better described as “car transport should be heavily reduced and replaced by public transit and alternative transit”. When it’s intensely cold, people should be able to use mass transit like light rail and busses too. If they live in a very rural area, then yes a car will be necessary. But the point is to focus on human-scale infrastructure, not car-scale infrastructure.
I live one state to the east. Just the first cold place I could think of while being dramatic lol. I get the idea, I support the idea. I’d love to use my car as little as possible. But some of those c/fuckcars people have a very narrow idealist vision of the word they want to live in with little regard to how things need to work outside of their own bubble to keep that world working. The whole “electric cars aren’t to save the planet they’re to save the auto industry” sentiment is absurd. We have to make progress on this shit somehow. It’s like the idea that the whole world can be powered solely by wind and solar. That is absurd. Sure we can completely phase out fossil but jfc diversity is a necessity and putting ALL the eggs in the wind and solar basket is not a great idea.
Lol fair enough. Even with this crazy winter, we did see temps dive from the mid 40s to -3 a couple weeks ago. I miss my snowy winters, at least then it wouldn’t look so miserable outside.
I think those communities are a lightning rod for venting frustrations in a like-minded community more than anything. Systemic change is hard, and sometimes it’s cathartic to belt out a slogan before returning to praxis.
Shit we got so much snow by me in one shot that it knocked the power out and I got a bunch of downed tees I have to deal with. And now it’s in the 40s/50s and flooding everything.
And then they dont get why we should have tariffs. Tariffs means more domestic manufacturering, which means less cargo ships belching bunker fuel across the Pacific.
I dont give a shit if my puny F-150 isnt great for cities or the enviroment when we have that shit going on.
deleted by creator
Don’t let the door hit ya, where the good lord split ya!
I disagree. I feel that on Reddit, the type of users and discussions were mostly toxic and based on popularity. Lemmy is far from perfect, and there are aspects about it that I feel certainly are lacking, but to suggest that it’s a bigger echo chamber than reddit, I find hard to believe. But, if you can provide me with some examples that highlight your point of view, I would be interested.
You can literally predict the comments on reddit these days before looking. It’s the same articles, same top comments, over and over again. You try to be original there and you get down voted. Got to stick to the template and karma can be yours :/
I always hated that about Reddit; the lack of authenticity. I tried to be my genuine self, and always was downvoted for it. It started to feel like maybe somebody took offense and wrote a bot to follow and downvote everything I posted. Yes, I’m paranoid. :)
So basically all subreddits are actually sub-subreddits of the subreddit simulator subreddit.
God I hate that that sentence actually parses and is a thing that makes sense in the English language.
I love how much more international and diverse lemmy is. I’m American, but I am happier with the fact that lemmy isn’t 85%+ Americans like on reddit (not a real statistic). I enjoy seeing more content from different perspectives and nationalities.
Interesting, as an American why did you choose feddit.de?
Makes sense!
deleted by creator
This whole post just reeks of attention seeking. If they’re going to go, they should just GTFO…
Hey, at least it legitimately actually is an unpopular opinion.
Still baffles me how people struggle with the concept that an unpopular opinion discussion board is intended to and often does include actual unpopular opinions.
It probably has more to do with the fact that lemmy doesn’t default to your curated “home” when logged in. People might not see the community it’s from and just think it’s a random person complaining about lemmy
One problem I have is that the core design problem of Reddit is the use of user upvotes/downvotes to sort (and either highlight or hide) based on the number. But not only does an opinion unpopular not mean that it’s wrong, it’s vitally important for any democratic society that we are regularly exposed to viewpoints that differ from our own.
Lemmy doesn’t challenge that, and I wish it did.
Tbh I suppose I just want old-school vBulletin forum boards back, but I don’t know any general-purpose ones…
Density of toxic rhetoric is through the roof on lemmy. It rivals what you’d find on bad private forums of yore.
Please provide me examples, because as far as I’m concerned, I’m just not seeing the same level of toxicity you are apparently.
This you?
Uh, I see the stuff with the politics stuff but… how is their opinion without explanation of Star Trek toxic?
They’re not Trek
They’re not the arbiter of Trek. They have no input on what is and is not real Trek. They can like it and not like it all they want, thats opinion. But it’s pretty toxic and shitty to try and claim that because it doesn’t fit with your personal views that it isn’t real Star Trek.
It is indeed toxic but frankly it’s more pathetic piss baby behavior than anything else.
It’s a rhetorical expression that says that the subject goes against the spirit of the franchise. There’s no claim of authority in there, and I don’t see why you think so.
If it ain’t Tomino it ain’t Gundam.
If it ain’t Lucas it ain’t Star Wars.
If it ain’t Roddenberry it ain’t Trek.
Importantly if you think Kurtzman is making Trek then you misunderstand the series. Star Trek is about a future where humanity lifts itself fully out of its worst aspects. It shows us what we should aspire to be. Kurtzman just wants to make Starship Troppers without the satire.
Nice toxic gatekeeping rhetoric there.
This you? 🙂
Is it gatekeeping to say fan fiction is not canon? Kurtzman’s Trek is bad fanfiction with legal cover. I could write some nonsense and slap Star Trek on it and I wouldn’t be able to force you to consider it Star Trek. If I had a billion dollars and bought the rights to the name would that change your mind?
deleted by creator
Why are you so upset? I’m not old or racist. You did look through my comments and cherry picked examples to try to smear me. I’m very liberal, but admitting that would be a big backpedal. You disagree with my opinions, so I must be evil. It’s a bad sign with someone of your disposition is in a position of authority. If you wear the uniform you should strive to be worthy of it.
What subs are you in? I can think of a few that are terrible, so I blocked them, and many more where I don’t think I have ever seen more than critical opinion.
I’m only subbed to freefolk.
People are people, no matter where you are.
*On the old reddit you mean. Because now its a shitshow.
Why? Honestly asking, it looks the same to me, as if nothing happened.
You probably not using the official reddit app. But just the lag, the delay, the mega mods, those crazy admins that ban them just by saying there name and just the ammounts of ads, there are just so many karma farmer.
Oh man, I say that I’m honestly asking because I really don’t know and I still get downvoted. That’s hilarious.
Anyways, I really haven’t experienced anything new besides a bug with the comments. Sometimes it loads the comments from a different post, so they obviously forgot to update the value of a variable somewhere in the code, and the comments are referencing a post I already saw.
Besides that, it’s the same as before. Bots, karma farmers, insane mods… it feels the same as 2 years ago.
I meant even far before 2 years ago, where reddit was not bs.
Yeah I’m sorry. I just don’t give a shit about conservative, racist, pro-genocide point of views. I’m going to stick with the human rights, preferred pronouns, and star trek memed Lemmy. This place still has the fraction of users reddit currently has. You have to be patient for the user base to grow if you want more variety.
Look at their profile. If anything, their political views are extreme in a way that fits most of Lemmy.
Edit: Nevermind, check @Stamets
I’m enjoying Lemmy more than I had enjoyed Reddit in a long time. Like everyone says, however, the niche discussion is the bald patch, that will get better with time.
Looking at your profile and what you post, yeah, you’d like Reddit a lot more.
Very much agreed, though I’m not looking to switch back. Reddit had gradually turned into a homogenous slurry of astroturf and toxic groupthink. Lemmy lacks the critical mass for both of these to become a problem.
I still find Lemmy a better alternative, because at least I can see opinions that differ from mine. I’ll gladly throwdown and get my opinions challenged rather than feel that I don’t need to contribute to a discussion.
Not everyone is here for debate and proselytizing. You want to have debates then go scream at people in the streets with your face visible and within arms length of whomever you’re offending. I’m here for fine art, painted miniatures, and owl pictures. Those are procured with civility not dumpster fire opinions.
What about Star Trek memes?
I’m not personally a fan anymore, but I’m not really a fan of television or movies at this point in my life. I used to watch a lot of NG and DS9 back in the day.
I do realize that Lemmy does run on Star Trek memes and its absence would be like removing the coal out of a steam engine.
To answer your question they’re not for me, but I do respect the impact ST memes are having.
You’re on the internet arguing politics. You’re only going to be happy in an echo chamber in your favor. Arguing about shit that you’re never going to physically do anything about makes zero sense.
The only interesting Lemmy posts are related to federal politics. The second I open reddit suddenly it’s a breath of fresh air.
Yeah, reinforcing your beliefs in an echo-chamer is comforting, isn’t it?
I agree for the most part. Most of the top posts on here are left-wing political posts, where often times center-left views get downvoted to oblivion. Don’t even get me started on Hexbear, etc.
I wish we had more people making posts about hobbies and such. c/Linux and a few others are rich in content, but so many others (motorcycles, Factorio, etc.) have very little activity. The hobby subs were my favorite Reddit subs.
I just started a thread on !casualconversation@lemmy.world about communities that people contribute to, feel free to share your own there
Unnfortunately Lemmy, regardless of the server, is a complete echo-chamber of left-wing politics, at least in my experience.
Lemmy just has an unusually large number of passionate young people on it. Not surprising when you consider the Fediverse as more of a rebellious option looking to upend the dominance of the giants.
Also makes it feisty though. It’s kinda on you to make it good for yourself by controlling what communities you sub to though.
If you look at the conservative community, all their posts are downvoted (at least every time I’ve peeked at it). Same with the Joe Rogan community.
They don’t have respite in their own communities on lemmy, due to users browsing all and downvoting their posts.
Maybe on specific instances that cater towards propoganda and extremism, but not on the Fediverse itself.
I don’t think most Lemmy users would support the idea that all ideas and opinions deserve equal consideration, so, yeah, that’s going to happen.
What makes the Fediverse unique is they could actually take steps to stop that if they wanted, by defederating from the higher population Instances. Most services would not give them that option. They have equal right to be here, but that does not amount to equal right to be liked and agreed with.
That said, I do agree that the downvoting gets a little out of control on here sometimes.
Oh I 100% agree with you. I have mixed feelings about how their communities are downvoted, but I’ll admit I’m mildly amused by it.
The thing is that the votes don’t matter on Lemmy, they are purely for organizing content in the home/all feed if you sort by Top. You shouldn’t worry about being downvoted. It doesn’t down rank you in the algorithm and restrict your ability to post like on Reddit.
Oh I never worried about being downvoted on lemmy or reddit.