Steam Next Fest, which is a regular event for showcasing upcoming games, is happening now on steam and will continue until February 12 at 10:00 AM PST (UTC-8).

With hundreds of demos available, even if you’re only interested in a fraction of the games it’s going to be difficult to try everything before the event ends. With that in mind, I’m hoping people can use this thread to share their thoughts on the titles they’ve played.

Which games did you enjoy, and which do you think suck? Please share your thoughts!

    1 year ago

    I don’t know if this would be considered a shameless plug or not, but I have a friend doing the music and sounds for a game on Next Fest. I finally got to play the demo yesterday, and I think it’s pretty neat.

    packet.Breach() — it’s kind of a tower defense game and kind of a roguelike. Instead of setting up turrets and hoping for the best, you are redirecting the enemy’s fire with certain “programs” you can place. And the playable space continually moves, so it’s not just one map that you have to kill X number of bad guys before going to the next stage.

    I’m not always super into tower defense, but even beyond knowing people working on it, I enjoyed my playtime last night.