Nope, Haskell was just a bad dream I had. It was just a dream, not real, that’s not real. I’m OK.
There there, the monads can’t hurt you here
Haskell is nice. This code style… not so much
A distant voice:
Learn you a Haskell for great good
If all your code isn’t on one line you aren’t a real programmer.
I prefer to newline after every symbol for better readability
I wonder if you could have it all on one column.
python user 😔
Let me explain…
Imagine having to use
instead of
OP is clearly a python user incapable of understanding punctuation
Embrace the brace, you won’t be alone with a semi-colon(…e)
Kernighan & Ritchie. This is the hill I choose to die on.
The only correct answer
Allman or gnu, rest are fucking bonkers
Putting the opening curly brace of a code block on the same line that defines the conditions the code block will run under is bonkers?
There’s an asymmetry to it that always left me uncomfortable.
If we’re judging purely on readability then I think Allman probably has the edge, here. You can see at a glance where the encasement starts or ends in a vertical column on the far left. Of course, that’s a moot point if the programmer’s color coding is set up to where it is obvious.
Lol, you deranged lunatic.
Reject the code block. Embrace the modularity. If you were going to write a code block, write a function instead.
If you must avoid code blocks, that means you can only use one line. I don’t think you can be Turing complete if each function can only call one function. I don’t even think you can get a context-free grammar, Chomsky normal form at least allows a variable to expand into two variables.
I might have a personality disorder, but yeah seeing most code/languages (stuff more substantial than the image here) makes me think there’s something really wrong with them or me (or both) because I don’t see how you get into that. Though I know in many cases it probably could’ve been written differently.
I like 1 language*, but it uses whitespace. I mean that’s not the defining factor, but there aren’t really different styles like this (though there is spaces for indentation depth, and I usually went with 1 space instead of the standard 2 so there is that).
*=it’s somewhat niche and I never really started with it because… userspace reasons I guess is the best way to put it
I’m not sure if you guessed it or not because I’ve posted about it a few times in different contexts (thus why I try not to name drop now). I mean much of it is on me as well, change a few things about me and I might’ve done more with it.
Nah, it’s just the only language I know with Python syntax, other than Python
OTBS is the only way!
no, stealing code is