Another month down according to Statcounter at least, Linux on the desktop is doing better than ever. Take it with your usual little pinch of salt like any survey sampling though.
I don’t even think much when running games anymore. Even DRM-free games I get from Gog I can just click on and run with Wine most of the time. It’s so awesome.
I only have a handful of games I cant play, and thats due entirely to their shitty choice of DRM… and thats not a big detriment cause that obscene DRM would have kept me away on Windows, anyway.
Same here. The games with rootkit and invasive spyware anti-cheat don’t work, but I avoided those games like the plague on windows already so this just makes it easier for me to avoid. That shit doesn’t work anyway, it just makes people not automatically jump to accusing people of cheating when they get owned…
Yeah, but I prefer running it without a launcher. It’s just cool to me I can easily run the games via clickng on the exe or searching it in a runner with very little hastle.
One game that’s really inconsistent about running on Wine is Roblox, which iirc won’t run at all anymore due to the new anti-cheat which deliberately prevents running with Wine.
I don’t even think much when running games anymore. Even DRM-free games I get from Gog I can just click on and run with Wine most of the time. It’s so awesome.
Sometimes games that won’t work on 10/11 work happily on wine/proton. Fun times.
😂 this happened to me but I can’t remember the game.
Also on Elden ring on windows, any time I exit the game that stupid anticheat window stays there until I force close from task manager.
When I realized Elden ring ran fine in Linux, I didn’t have this problem. For me, Elden ring legit runs better on Linux than windows…
I only have a handful of games I cant play, and thats due entirely to their shitty choice of DRM… and thats not a big detriment cause that obscene DRM would have kept me away on Windows, anyway.
Same here. The games with rootkit and invasive spyware anti-cheat don’t work, but I avoided those games like the plague on windows already so this just makes it easier for me to avoid. That shit doesn’t work anyway, it just makes people not automatically jump to accusing people of cheating when they get owned…
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Why not dual boot? It’s what most in that situation do.
There’s that and Heroic is doing some excellent work implementing proton and steams stuff into GOG games!
Yeah, but I prefer running it without a launcher. It’s just cool to me I can easily run the games via clickng on the exe or searching it in a runner with very little hastle.
One game that’s really inconsistent about running on Wine is Roblox, which iirc won’t run at all anymore due to the new anti-cheat which deliberately prevents running with Wine.
Lutris also makes this a breeze