Another month down according to Statcounter at least, Linux on the desktop is doing better than ever. Take it with your usual little pinch of salt like any survey sampling though.
Got a new M.2 drive and installed Linux on it, still run windows on my old disk (no dual boot, only go to bios when I need windows).
Experience has been amazing so far, biggest issues for me are the following
Had to get used to Gimp instead of my very legally acquired version of Photoshop
Discord screen share does not have audio and is laggy as hell (an alternative discord-screenshare application exists but gives my voice a 1-2 second delay which upsets my gf when we’re in voice, although it can stream entire desktop with audio which is amazing for watching shows together)
Some games with anti-cheat don’t work, so if I want to play those I still have to jump on windows.
No HDR (but it looks to be coming to KDE and Cosmic soon)
Apart from this the experience has been amazing. I’m using Nobara and mostly gaming. As a dev terminal, scripts and ssh to my raspberry pi:s is just such a seamless and nice experience.
Had your same exact issue, and after jumping through hand-made solutions and countless clients i finally found a client that works perfectly out of the box for screen sharing with audio, has no other issues and comes with the big plus of having customization plugins Vesktop (i think its on flathub too so if your distro ships that probably get it from there).
Had the same issue here too and yes, while my “main” game got recently proton verified and i could finally get totally rid of windows, there are some few (BattleEye mostly) games with no anticheat support.
2. I would recommend using Vesktop instead of the official client - it’s faster, has better privacy, and best of all, screensharing including audio works like a charm.
4. You could run your games thru gamescope - and as a bonus, you can use features like FSR for better quality or performance.
Got a new M.2 drive and installed Linux on it, still run windows on my old disk (no dual boot, only go to bios when I need windows).
Experience has been amazing so far, biggest issues for me are the following
Apart from this the experience has been amazing. I’m using Nobara and mostly gaming. As a dev terminal, scripts and ssh to my raspberry pi:s is just such a seamless and nice experience.
Ad 1: Try Krita instead of Gimp. I find its behaviour saner.
1. If you don’t mind using an older version of Photoshop (CC 2021), you could try this installer:
2. I would recommend using Vesktop instead of the official client - it’s faster, has better privacy, and best of all, screensharing including audio works like a charm.
4. You could run your games thru gamescope - and as a bonus, you can use features like FSR for better quality or performance.