When my mother went she had an aggressive immune therapy to fight lymphoma. That’s what actually killed her. Ended up looking like 3rd degree burns all over, unconscious and shivering… didn’t look like her.
Also, if the person has a protracted fight with a disease or simply old age (ie anything that isn’t a sudden death) they rarely look like themselves. One elderly family member had an open casket and I could barely recognize them, they wasted away to half of their normal size.
A dead body doesn’t look real. The stillness and one’s denial mechanisms combine to make it look like a mannequin.
When my mother went she had an aggressive immune therapy to fight lymphoma. That’s what actually killed her. Ended up looking like 3rd degree burns all over, unconscious and shivering… didn’t look like her.
Also, if the person has a protracted fight with a disease or simply old age (ie anything that isn’t a sudden death) they rarely look like themselves. One elderly family member had an open casket and I could barely recognize them, they wasted away to half of their normal size.