James Lankford cites a veteran as partial reason for recommitting to Sunshine Protection Act, which has already passed in Senate
Archived version: https://archive.ph/QhlaG
I don’t care whether they remove it or make it permanent so long as they just fucking pick one and stick to it.
I want them to keep it alternating and nt stick to it.
Daylight savings time saves 366 lives a year from traffic accidents alone Coate and Markowitz which while isn’t that much is still worth the inconvenience.
Also, 2015 paper from the Brookings Institute claims a 7% drop in crime, when they extended by 4 weeks, we saved 60 million dollars. If we account for indirect costs like those of murder, rape, we get 246 million saved (Popular Mechanics)
Basically more light is good
“transition periods in daylight saving time regulations are linked to a rise in total mortality and should be avoided in the interest of general well-being.”
- National Library of Medicine
“Spring DST transition acutely increases fatal traffic accident risk by 6% in the US”
- A Chronobiological Evaluation of the Acute Effects of Daylight Saving Time on Traffic Accident Risk
“sleep disruptions during the Spring transition cause suicide rates to rise by 6.25 percent and all DoD to increase by 6.59 percent.”
- Saving Light, Losing Lives: How Daylight Saving Time Impacts Deaths of Despair
So, there’s data supporting DST costing lives, saving lives, and not having any impact either way. I cherry-picked a few to illustrate the former, which paired with yours make for a more complete picture.
Overall, estimates on the lives lost side appear to be numerically higher; so taking ALL of it at face value, getting rid of DST would save more lives.
I’d vote to chop it if saving lives is your chief concern.
Basically more light is good
Cutting a foot of fabric off the top of a blanket and sewing it onto the bottom doesn’t result in more blanket.
It’s not more light though.
Permanent standard time is better for health, and the switch also kills people every spring and fall
Omg, please for the love of everything, get rid of the time change.
I don’t care which way they pick, just get rid of it. It’s absolutely useless.
This is why it’s an issue, because which side of a timezone you live on doesn’t split down party lines.
For example when we set the clocks back it gets dark at 430 and this week if the first time I’ve seen sunlight outside of the time I’m in the office in months.
Anybody who supports a bill that would make it so I don’t see the sun after 5 pm from October till June is worse than dead to me.
The thing about this argument though is that what time we call the particular position of the Sun in the sky is up to us, and the way we schedule our lives around those times is also up to us.
If what is problematic to you about locking in either DT or ST is the way your work or school schedule interacts with it, change those schedules.
Or put another way if it’s more important to you that sunlight time lines up with your arbitrarily imposed schedule is more important to you than the health & safety of your fellow Americans, you’re “worse than dead” to us.
and the way we schedule our lives around those times is also up to us.
This is some r/im14andthisisdeep shit
Tell my boss time is just a social construct and you might have an argument.
Or put another way if it’s more important to you that sunlight time lines up with your arbitrarily imposed schedule is more important to you than the health & safety of your fellow Americans, you’re “worse than dead” to us.
Except that it also fucks over everybody else who is on the same “arbitrarilly enforced schedule” (which happens to be about 90% of working adults) and this isnt me being selfish in spite of everybody else. Being able to conceivably leave the house outside of the 9 to 5 working schedule is pretty universally popular.
Seriously wtf are you arguing for. How is it being dark on my commute to work, after I drop off my kids at school and also being dark when I drive home from work “safer for evwrybody”
Kids come home from school between 3 and 4 even with extracurricular, literally rhe only people the eveinging time change affects is working adults.
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I know of several large corporations that allow “summer schedules” for their workers. It wouldn’t be hard to have four seasonal schedules.
Fucking do it already, damn!
Yeah, I live in Canada, and our local government passed a law in 2018 saying we would go to permanent daylight time, but then backed down because the west coast of USA wouldn’t do it too.
This truly is the dumbest timeline.
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Id prefer to have daylight in the evening hours so I can get more done. I don’t really want to have to get up at 5 am just to see daylight outside of office hours.
The dude is proposing making DST permanent so that US/Eastern time would be UTC - 4 year round. I personally don’t give a shit if US/Eastern is UTC-4 or UTC - 5 as long as they quit the stupid twice a year shift.
Not to mention how it would basically break the universal time zone system
Congress should really have an office of a few science nerds to give quick answers for things like this. Similar to the office of accountants they have to check how much things will cost.
Not really. Permanent DST is just being bumped forward of time zone.
How would it break time zones? You do realize that just in the US, Arizona and parts of Indiana do not participate in DST.
California, Oregon and Washington has all passed laws to do it, like 5 years ago, but it keep getting stalled. Should happen in like 10 years.
They keep getting stalled because they proposed bills to remain on DST instead of not participating. To remain on DST requires US Congressional approval and the bills were ignored and were never brought up to vote.
Washington is looking at putting forth another bill to stop participating in DST altogether since that only needs to pass the state legislators and Governor sign-off.
I’d prefer to stay on DST permanently, especially on the summer solstice where the sun sets super late and you can enjoy summer. In the end, I just want to stop dealing with the fuckery of DST.
Probably because they tried it in the 70s and everyone hated it so much the switched back.
Jesus Christ a Republican I agree with, what year is it?!
An election year.
Compromise and make DST permanent but 30 minutes ahead.
Please not a .5 difference lol. Add the hour or take it away, but not the .5 please.
Ok, let’s compromise. Half the year we can add the half hour and half the year we take it away. For the farmers or something
You devil, you.
Even better, nobody likes getting an hour less sleep but everyone likes getting an extra hour. Just move the clocks back one hour each year!
Or better yet, adopt the 23 hour day.
Be thankful you’re not living in Nepal - they use UTC+5:45
So we can be 8 hours difference from India instead of 8 and a half.
“As funny as this sounds, several years ago, I was walking in a Veterans Day parade, and a veteran … that was watching the parade, an older gentleman, gets up from his lawn chair – he actually walks into the parade route, shook my hand and said: ‘Before I die, would you end daylight savings time?’” Lankford recounted.
“He said: ‘I hate it. I’m in my 80s. I want you to get rid of daylight savings time before I die.’”…
Lankford’s bill would eliminate the time change by making daylight savings time apply year-round in the US.
So basically Lankford is bragging that he wants to do exactly the opposite of this (probably fictional) constituent actually wants. They don’t grow 'em too smart in Oklahoma.
End or make permanent, the effect is basically the same in terms of convenience.
Standard time is better for health (and makes more sense from a practical standpoint)
Any arguments about sunlight, etc, are all nonsense because all you have to do is change your schedule if you insist on that
Fair. I just meant that most people are upset at the frequent changing, not the pros and cons of each option.
Standard time in which time zone? Since each zone is (typically) one hour off from the one next to it, then the people in the timezone to the east of yours are essentially on daylight time relative to you.
I could see an argument that sunlight is involved since sunrise times vary by latitude and longitude, but I’m told sunlight arguments are nonsense…
I’ve seen this take a few times now and it just doesn’t make sense to me. Either sunlight matters or it does not, and if it does, time zones seem too broad to adequately match sun positions. (E.g sunrise can be an hour apart on each side of a time zone)
Standard time = 12:00 at local solar noon (usually in the center of the zone)
We need sunlight in the morning more than in the evening. This is why DST in winters is terrible if people would stick to current schedules.
Slowly moving schedules and keeping standard time would be better if people care about evening sunlight. Or even better, move to 6 hour workdays and give everybody more sunlight both in the morning and evening!
That still puts the fringes of a timezone possibly 30 minutes off from the ideal, and that is only the east/west direction. Places further from the equator are more susceptible to seasonal light changes.
Really I think time zones themselves are the problem. Prior to that each locality could adopt a time that worked best for them (horrible for trains and probably not compatible with modern communications tech, but easier on the people.) DST is a problematic patch on a problematic system.
Personally I’d like to see UTC adopted more broadly, at least for travel. Flying to NYC to LA takes 6.5 hours but you gain three hours due to time changes making it effectively 3.5 hours. Whereas flying back takes 5.5 hours but loses 3 to make it 8.5 hours. While I understand that intellectually, I find it hard to grasp intuitively. Just give me UTC and a relative time. Say 1900 (noon) or 1600 (mid morning)
It would also help with people living on either side of a timezone. Just say let’s meet at the restaurant at 500 instead of having to specify a timezone. Doubly so for coordinating online meetings with people around the country.
I would loathe permanent DST.
I work construction and for the past decade or so the General Contractors have only been paying the electricians to install “life safety” lighting. Basically, it’s enough light to navigate the hallways and especially the stairways. We are on our own to light any other areas. This is why nearly all construction workers now wear headlamps, it’s dark as shit in most of the site.
So, we just had the DST change obviously and now I have to use my headlamp for about an hour every morning even if I’m next to a window. The latest sunrise in Denver would be something like 0815 if we were on permanent DST. That’s two full hours every morning for at least a week stumbling around with a damn headlamp.
Detroit’s latest sunrise would be 0850, I think. That’s insanity. I feel for the people that are stuck in the 8-5 office grind and want to walk their dog after work but damn it would be a huge PITA for anyone who works at 0600. I don’t know if I could take it.
Republicans LOVE to use vets as a prop when it’s convenient.
They’ll also stab vets in the back if they’re convinced doing so would own a lib or two - see: republicans block PACT act, denying healthcare to veterans in an effort to spite the blue team.
I’d never vote for him, but damn I do respect Langford. The guy has zero fucks going against his own party.
Doesn’t seem to be a popular opinion but I like what we’ve got. Daylight savings is great in the summer when the days are long enough to keep it light the whole time I’m awake. But personally the idea of waking up for work in the winter and having it still be dark for 2 hours is terribly depressing. The sunset moving from 4:30 to 5:30 is not gonna make a huge difference in my ability to utilize sunlight in my day. Edit: Not a great look to downvote people for stating their opinion, people.
The time changing twice a year causes enough stress that heart attacks spike 25% on the Mondays following the change.
Even my dogs hate it.
I know there’s data about this but I still can’t quite understand it. How is the time change any different from getting a little busier than usual one night and missing your bedtime by an hour? I can’t see how a single hour could possibly cause such drastic health effects.
Especially when people often travel to other time zones or sleep in on weekends…
I suspect the real issue is modern work culture leaves people with so little free time the chronic sleep deficit can’t handle the time change and a work day…
Because it’s universal, and in addition to those other stresses. Those other things are basically always happening at a low hum, and maybe the stress is too much for a few but most of us carry on regardless. But then the second week of March rolls around and suddenlyeveryone loses an hour, and apparently that extra stress is enough for 25% of hearts to just say “fuck it, I’m out!”
dont take the down votes personally, stating your opinion online risks people disagreeing. That’s all the down votes mean is people saying they disagree. it’s not a great look to add an edit complaining about downvotes. if they hurt too much maybe move to an instance that doesn’t have down votes like blahaj.zone, i find it very peaceful to not be able to see downvotes and let’s me worry less about stating my opinion on things.
also yeah I disagree with your comment but I can’t downvote from Blahaj ;)
I have no idea if “feddiquette” is a thing but “downvote poor quality comments, not opinions that you disagree with” is pretty fundamental to how downvotes should be used. My feelings remain unhurt but I will call out shitty behavior.
I don’t think that was ever true even on Reddit. You can’t control how people choose to use their vote and I feel that is how things should be.
You think using a platform as it’s been designed is shitty behavior?
The platform has been designed to allow downvotes. If people downvote for shitty reasons, then yes, I think they’re being shitty. The platform only dictates functionality, but humans dictate what’s a good use of that functionality. Downvoting well-formed statements of opinion just because you disagree with them stifles discussion, which kind of defeats the entire purpose of making a discussion platform. Or, put another way, it’s shitty.
Yeah true. Welcome to the Internet
I mean, you’re wrong because you’re treating the times that work etc start & stop as somehow written in stone. So that deserves a down vote. We could have our schedules flex with the Sun if we wanted. Instead of flexing our labels of Sun positions to match our desired work start time labels.
So instead of shifting the clocks twice a year, shift our schedules by about 2 minutes every day to match the changing sunrise? Sure that sounds a lot easier.
I bet there wouldn’t be a measurable increase in heart attacks that way.
Holy shit that’s evil!
These shitbags always do the opposite of what’s right. Fuck daylight savings time.
My body is already adapted to the seasonal change, don’t fucking start changing shit around!
Don’t do it. Daylight savings time saves 366 lives a year from traffic accidents alone Coate and Markowitz which while isn’t that much is still worth the inconvenience.
Also, 2015 paper from the Brookings Institute claims a 7% drop in crime, when they extended by 4 weeks, we saved 60 million dollars. If we account for indirect costs like those of murder, rape, we get 246 million saved (Popular Mechanics)
Basically more light is good
As a non-scientist who didn’t read the article you linked, I think it’s less about the shift and more about the increased total hours of sunlight during the summer months that diminishes crashes and break-ins. Shifting the official time doesn’t have any effect on total sunlight, that’s caused by the Earth’s tilt. I’m glad I had no reason to drive the last few days, because the shift messes with my tiny brain.
If it was that awesome with a 4 week extension, just imagine the possibilities of extending it year round! Just like the article says.
Why do you say “Don’t do it.” And then say a bunch of things that agree it would be good? This proposal is advocating for making daylight saving time permanent.