Cred: You’re getting that error because you’re blocked by reddit (probably vpn). That url is a semi privacy frontend that’s designed to circumvent you having to visit Reddit but it still needs to load the .json file from Reddit through your JavaScript. Since Reddit is blocking your json request, you’ll see that error because the json couldn’t be parsed
Clicks source to see awesome nuke-armed F35 info.
Source of meme, not info.
Name suspiciously checks out
Clicks source, sees error:
Failed to parse page JSON data: expected value at line 1 column 1
Cred: You’re getting that error because you’re blocked by reddit (probably vpn). That url is a semi privacy frontend that’s designed to circumvent you having to visit Reddit but it still needs to load the .json file from Reddit through your JavaScript. Since Reddit is blocking your json request, you’ll see that error because the json couldn’t be parsed
Noncred: Bruh that’s the source. His name’s Jason
had the same issue as u