I tend to find song lyrics, tones of music etc. really hit me super hard. I’m curious to know how others feel?
So a couple of songs to add to this: Oceanlab - Breaking Ties
Randy Boyer & Eric Tadla feat. Dan Sanfilippo - Alive (HeatBeat Mix)
(Sorry, I’m an old-school DJ) But I do want input. I find music really hits me hard, and that’s actually OK. So hit me with your songs.
Absolutely. It’s why the nonsense crap with no message/story really irritates me.
I hate to say it, but it feels like an affront because you don’t get ‘x’?
Don’t get what? Like WAP, why do I want to hear about your WAP unless we’re face to face or about to be?
Oh you wanna hear about my WAP? My WAP is in your face! Suck it up!
Sounds like WAP affected you!
I get it though, it isn’t really a good song. It’s shock value and comedy as much as it is music.
Can’t say I ever made it through the whole song lol
Controversial take, but probably makes sense since I majored in classical performance. I get teased all the time, I don’t listen to lyrics basically at all, often don’t even listen to the words until a 3rd or 4th listen. Zero in on the bass / harmony, then percussion, and then maybe the words.
IMO, storytelling through music can be even deeper without relying on words to explain it. Something like Mingus usually hits me way harder emotionally: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9FzSSGTufQ
I didn’t major in musical anything but approach music very much like you.
Totally agree that there’s a level of communication through music that goes beyond words. With you on jazz. Classical, too. I’ll throw out Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9 (“From the New World”). Hits me like a freight train every time, as one of myriad examples.
Me too. I really enjoy music but don’t care about lyrics unless I’m really into a song. The voice is important though, I love the sounds a voice adds to a composition. Bass, harmony, percussion. All that speaks to me more than the words.
I don’t listen to lyrics basically at all
Not even to hear Oscar Peterson sing along as he plays?
I love a song with a story, but even without that melodies and interesting use of instruments can bring tears to my eyes or give me goosebumps.
One that qualifies in multiple ways is XTC’s The Last Balloon.
Specifically when the vocals fade into the horn, which works with the theme of the song and is also just haunting to me.
A big one for me is Oceanlab - Breaking Ties
Lots of history there with an ex… But it’s all valid too (if that makes sense)
That’s a great melody!
I almost exclusively listen to lyrical music. I am often greatly affected by the poetry and themes in the songs I enjoy. The sound of music alone does little for me, and I have a particular aversion to heavy beats, bass, and repetition. Put simply, I love ballads, particularly folk, filk, and anything that focuses on storytelling. I can’t stand most pop, rap, hip-hop, and the like.
So for you you’re much more just on the vocal side? Or a mix of vocal and rhythm?
For me, rhythm serves the vocals. A great and memorable rhythm can enhance and complement the lyrics. A rhythm without vocals doesn’t really catch my interest.
This song has been hitting me the last few days, not sure if it’s the tones of the melody, or the vocals, but I can’t get it out of my head.
Oh wow so many flashbacks on this one…
Also just wanted to add, oceanlab is easily making it into my repeat listening list, appreciate the share.
So Oceanlab is Above and Beyond with Justine Suissa (who is amazing). But yeah as a group sans-Justine they are also very much melodic and generally vocal trance.
ABGT fan by any chance? I’ve listened to many impactful songs on their show over the last few years.
There’s a ton of songs that really affect me, some it’s hard to between the music itself and just the memories associated with it. There’s some that I would guess are more-or-less universal like Yusuf / Cat Stevens - Father & Son or Aphex Twin - Avril 14th.
Shpongle -I Woke Up as a Shlummutz ~1:40 when the cello(?) comes in really hits me for some reason.
Depends on how stoned I am.