Spawned off an adult entertainment trade association.
Reason is a merge of the Sex Party, Cyclists, and the NSW euthanasia party. Basically a broad tent party of single issue parties that have no reason to oppose each others goals. Sadly they haven’t faired too well at the polls last election.
I’d love to see them merge with the Fusion party - itself a merger of the Science Party, Pirate Party, Secular Party, Vote Planet, and Climate Change Justice Party.
And for all of them to stick with one bloody name so they can build up public recognition. At least people took notice of the Sex party name.
We have two main parties Lib and Lab. Both rightwing neoliberal parties , one is slightly more right to the other. Imagine a little bit more left Dems vs a little bit more right Dems.
Our preferential system means all votes have to end in 2 parties. Thus any slightly left parties vote is funnelled to Labor and any slightly right parties goes to Liberal.
Ehh that’s a very cynical and kinda misleading take of how it works. This may be generally true in the house of representatives but still 12% of the seats don’t end up funnelled to the two major parties. In the senate a quarter of senators aren’t affiliated with either major party and at the moment it requires Labor to collaborate to pass bills, so although we do have two major parties we are nowhere near being a two-party system.
Spawned off an adult entertainment trade association.
Reason is a merge of the Sex Party, Cyclists, and the NSW euthanasia party. Basically a broad tent party of single issue parties that have no reason to oppose each others goals. Sadly they haven’t faired too well at the polls last election.
I’d love to see them merge with the Fusion party - itself a merger of the Science Party, Pirate Party, Secular Party, Vote Planet, and Climate Change Justice Party.
And for all of them to stick with one bloody name so they can build up public recognition. At least people took notice of the Sex party name.
You all actually get more than two parties? America’s a dumpster fire at this point, I ought to jump ship soon…
Sadly no.
We have two main parties Lib and Lab. Both rightwing neoliberal parties , one is slightly more right to the other. Imagine a little bit more left Dems vs a little bit more right Dems.
Our preferential system means all votes have to end in 2 parties. Thus any slightly left parties vote is funnelled to Labor and any slightly right parties goes to Liberal.
We get the illusion of more than 2 parties.
Ehh that’s a very cynical and kinda misleading take of how it works. This may be generally true in the house of representatives but still 12% of the seats don’t end up funnelled to the two major parties. In the senate a quarter of senators aren’t affiliated with either major party and at the moment it requires Labor to collaborate to pass bills, so although we do have two major parties we are nowhere near being a two-party system.
Mate that’s akin to saying the US is not a two party system due to having independents or third party senators.
The democrats currently don’t have majority and rely on Bernie, King, and Sinema to pass bills.
They had me until cyclists
Fuck off and die. Riding bikes is fine, Lycra warriors are no more annoying than every fucking cunt with a car.
Such a friendly person you are.
saw a 4 door ute earlier. Filled with incoherent rage.