I had a friend at school we liked the same things but he went off in the fash direction and i went off in the commie direction.
I went down the Tim Curry to communist pipeline and he went down the “ironic” fascist to actual fash pipeline.
Clearly the anti commie themes were completely lost on me cos i thought it was rad as fuck
the Soviet ending for Yuri’s Revenge is absolutely amazing
Soviet troops parading down Wall Street, as the stock market closed forever… the new golden age of space exploration… who knows what the future may hold, as communism leaves the boundaries of our planet, and expands across the solar system
I liked the line in Red Alert 3 when you take over New York “We will rename this city Commandergrad! … Or Something.”
It’s funny to me how common the trope of “good guys win only to not do anything to fundamentally change society to address root conflict and end up where they started come the sequel” is. End-of-History liberalism in a nutshell.
Destroying the pentagon, twin towers and statue of liberty as the Soviet makes red alert 2 the most based game in history.
Turning Eiffel Tower into a giant tesla coil
Socialism is Soviet power plus electrification of the entire population of Paris.
GOOD post
My introduction was Call of Duty 2, and I mean like the original CoD 2 released in 2005. I just thought the soviets were bad ass for protecting their homes and I knew the nazis were evil cuz they were racist invaders. It all just made sense
and look at me now
Lmao I sorta had the same experience with World at War and the Stalingrad missions.
Libs: “The commies shot their own guys!!!” (myth) 14 year old me: Sick, that’s badass
Treyarch tryna tell me the red army was bad for executing surrendering nazis (probably ahistorical) and I’m like “I dunno boss, kinda based, probably doin’ 'em a favour, can’t imagine being a pow in Russia was that pleasant for a nazi”
Not the soviets, but
Same. I played the first two Call of Duty games as a kid when they were released and immediately understood the Soviets to be on the right side fighting against the evil Nazi war machine. I could see they made the greatest effort and sacrifice to turn the tide, take Berlin, and end the war.
A few years later and I had a flag of Soviet Union hanging in my room.
hell yeah comrade, I bought an ushanka after playing 2
From Wikipedia (Command & Conquer: Red Alert):
Allied ending: Following the siege of Moscow, an Allied platoon discovers Stalin buried alive in the rubble of the Kremlin. As they begin attempting to remove the debris from the fallen Soviet leader, General Stavros unexpectedly enters the room and stops them. He “convinces” them that they saw nothing and orders them to leave the premises. Stavros then stuffs a handkerchief into Stalin’s mouth before covering his head with a large stone and walking away.
Soviet ending: As the Soviets celebrate their victory at the newly captured Buckingham Palace, Stalin commends the Commander (the player), but is poisoned by Nadia, who guns him down as the poison overcomes his body. Following Stalin’s death, Nadia tells the Commander that the Soviet Union is now under the rule of the Brotherhood of Nod, who plan to return to the shadows again and reemerge in the 1990s, leaving the player as the puppet ruler of the USSR, ready to do the Brotherhood of Nod bidding for “the foreseeable future”. She is betrayed and shot in the back by Kane, who reveals to “Comrade Chairman” that he is the true mastermind.
Either way Stalin is killed and we lose
It’s okay, it ends well in Red Alert 2’s Soviet ending
Still upset that wasn’t the canon ending to the series and they made Red Alert 3 but you can only expect so much from American game devs in the 2000s
commies like red alert. fascists like starship troopers. Tories loved Jonathan Swift. satire rarely has its intended effect
satire requires clarity of porpoise
“Defeat satire with this one simple trick!”
Liberals like… The West Wing? No wait, that isn’t a critique of Liberalism… Um, Liberals like Avatar?
Liberals like star wars prequels
One day I am going to become an exact duplicate of that covergirl.
(How much is a kalashnikov again?)
Based and Natasha pilled
I respect your liking of it, but Red Alert 3 was a abomination lmao
not a klashnikov, dragunov
You could get a Zastava and kit it out with Dragunov-style stock and scope for probably just over a grand
Sometimes I feel bad for the kids these days who never had a chance to role-play as the Soviet Union in a computer game when they were younger. It was truly an experience, and I don’t even know what games these days can come close to providing an equivalent of that.
For Cuba and South America there is Tropico and for USSR there is Workers and Resources. What would be the simulation game for Laos/ Vietnam/ China/ North Korea/ East Germany/ other socialist projects?
China: Mao’s Legacy is amazing for China, though far more political driven then those other games
These days they role play in map games and then become esoteric liberal nazbols
TNO is a laboratory where new kinds of fascism are synthesized
I wonder what their discord is like lmao
Incomprehensible in-jokes abt the personal lives of 60s European politicians, mostly
I imagine it’s Destiny fans calling Vaush fans “tankies” because they said they should accept Nazis but not befriend them
Roleplaying as a nazi is relatively common i hear
you can form the U.S.S.R. in Victoria 3
And you can start as the USSR in HOI4 and not stop at Berlin!
Next DLC gives you the option of forming the Communist International, too.
I don’t even know what games these days can come close to providing an equivalent of that.
Hearts of Iron 4
Alternate history or no history (to the extent that’s even possible) is so much better than whatever the fuck HOI4 is
We need to retvrn to Red Alert
Sort of, yes, but that doesn’t come with a janky, campy story complete with live action sequences about how erasing Hitler from history led to the rise of Stalin and his evil plans to dominate the world. It’s not the same lol!
True! Instead you just get bad-weird Nazi or Trot fanfiction in that game lmao
Red Alert 2 is a beloved part of my childhood and probably did lead me on a certain path. I was never good at the game but massing kirovs and those siege copters were my favorite
Exactly the same for me, down to my main strategy being using kirovs
Early game flak-track full of engineers
Communism is when red alert soundtrack https://youtu.be/PJvPyH8WnMw
The music slaps so hard
My first experience with communism was Call of Duty World At War. I didn’t understand anything, but the last scene where you carry the Soviet flag while getting shot at, almost getting killed by a Nazi only to get saved by your comrade, was quite memorable for a kid.
ah Red Alert 1 and getting called Comrade by Stalin who tells me to massacre some civilians with planes because soviet union bad
jokes on you liberals! they looked way cooler to my 6 year old brain, so the allies never had a chance
I remember reading about how during development, the villains were originally going to be Nazis but that got canned because Westwood didn’t want to get locked out of the German market due to censorship as the previous year’s Tiberian Dawn was a surprisingly huge hit there. That puts everything into perspective, really, since you can see little bits of it poking out (like the Soviets specializing in stupidly-heavy, overdesigned tanks).
jokes on you liberals! they looked way cooler to my 6 year old brain, so the allies never had a chance
It helps that the villain factions tend to be cooler than Quasi-NATO in C&C games, only exception was Generals which had China as (anti-)heroes.
Brotherhood of Nod is some
aesthetics wise
Hand of Nod as barracks
Obelisk of Light
Temple of NOD :this-emoji-has-been-censored-by-the-volcel-police:
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
you will never stop me oinkers!
Depicting the Soviets as an effective counter to American interests increased their popularity. Makes sense to me
The red alert lady is pretty
its me, im her
What uhhhh, what’re you doing later
Same tbh, and they were GOOD introductions
I have a Rimworld mod that adds the Kirov airship. It’s got great carrying capacity, but is terrifyingly flammable when bullets start flying.
Inaccurate smh, Kirovs are one of the strongest units in the game cuz of their armor