it’s so fashy
I’ve played these games so much so I have no illusions that they are mostly insane liberal propaganda but this always stood out as particularly vile
I occasionally look up the like full dialogue trees of conversations on youtube and anything remotely involving Batarians have like 75% just straight up fascist comments (like literally you see slightly modified quotes of actual fascists)
idk just kinda disheartening to see so many ppl just go fully along with it and have basically nobody be like “hey maybe don’t”
Same goes for the Mass Effect 3 ending
drama. Like, Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2 also had the “bring your save over from the previous game” thing but someone has to make the endings - of course they’re going to be just a few of them. What made Mass Effect interesting at the time is that you got little emails and encyclopedia entries that were effected by stuff you did in the previous games. The ending of 3 was never going to be remarkably different.