Well yeah it is. It’s also heavy on the mtx, non-pushy as they stay (for now). Compared to something like DRG I really don’t feel the appeal, apart from maybe having overplayed DRG at this point.
It’s not bad. You only have to use the “premium” currency to unlock the extra unlock tracks, but you also get that currency in-game and farming it isnt too crazy.
Currently as soon as you pick it up your account gets it, so you can drop into trivial missions, find some, collect it, alt F4, do the same mission repeatedly dropping at the super credits every time since the spawns are static on the same map (hence the alt F4) and then once you have 1,000 you can buy one of the unlock tracks. All of the gear and everything in the unlock track is in-game currency from there, so I don’t consider it bad at all since you can easily cheese it for free
For one of my friends even though he was on my steam friend’s list, and I could see him as a friend on the HD friend list, I had to accept a friend request from him in HD’s pending invites section for the game to consider him a friend, and that allowed him to join our friends only games.
It’s likely you have the same issue, whatever the reason
The friends thing is weird. I have a pending invite to a friend and I’m already appearing in his list as a friend ans he can’t accept the invite. So we have to set it to public, join, set it to friends only to avoid randos.
Weird, I was able to accept mine, even though he was already my friend, it just made us friends on his side as well. It must be broken in more than one way
I’ll go ahead and say the same thing I said last time this was posted.
Okay yes, but helldivers is still filled to the brim with bugs. Not quite an equal comparison
Commence the down votes for simply stating a fact
Well yeah it is. It’s also heavy on the mtx, non-pushy as they stay (for now). Compared to something like DRG I really don’t feel the appeal, apart from maybe having overplayed DRG at this point.
It’s not bad. You only have to use the “premium” currency to unlock the extra unlock tracks, but you also get that currency in-game and farming it isnt too crazy.
Currently as soon as you pick it up your account gets it, so you can drop into trivial missions, find some, collect it, alt F4, do the same mission repeatedly dropping at the super credits every time since the spawns are static on the same map (hence the alt F4) and then once you have 1,000 you can buy one of the unlock tracks. All of the gear and everything in the unlock track is in-game currency from there, so I don’t consider it bad at all since you can easily cheese it for free
Have yet to be able to join my friend’s game if they set it to “Friends only” 👍
For one of my friends even though he was on my steam friend’s list, and I could see him as a friend on the HD friend list, I had to accept a friend request from him in HD’s pending invites section for the game to consider him a friend, and that allowed him to join our friends only games.
It’s likely you have the same issue, whatever the reason
The friends thing is weird. I have a pending invite to a friend and I’m already appearing in his list as a friend ans he can’t accept the invite. So we have to set it to public, join, set it to friends only to avoid randos.
Weird, I was able to accept mine, even though he was already my friend, it just made us friends on his side as well. It must be broken in more than one way
BG3 was/is also filled to the brim with bugs. Look at the dozens of patches that have come out. It released blatantly unfinished.
That’s the point, we must eradicate all the bugs (and bots).