Battle beyond the Underworld using dark sorcery to take on the Titan of Time in this bewitching sequel to the award-winning rogue-like dungeon crawler.
I’m usually a patient gamer type. I think I got Hades in 2022 or 2023 on discount. I’ve also never purchased an early access game. But I’m seriously considering this one.
Main thing holding me back is that I just don’t get to play games very much this time of year, and I probably won’t have much time again until Fall.
Solid point. But I want it now. I guess I’m still holding out hope that I might have some time to play while I’m traveling in the next month or so.
Does the early access stuff sometimes stop being available? Like if I don’t buy it soon, is it something that might go away until they’re ready to do a full release?
If you don’t have it already, maybe you should look at a steam deck in the future. I find it to be really good for times in my life when my time to play is limited, and a better source of unwinding than just mindlessly scrolling Lemmy or Instagram when I have a spare 15.
I bought the game and played for roughly 3 hours. If you’ve seen their stream from the technical test, I got roughly as far in the meta-game as they did, but run-wise I got somewhere ~the middle of the third act. Right now I can see at least ~3-5 hours of unlockables I need to get resources for (and more is revealed after more runs/unlocks), and I haven’t tried most new boons yet.
It’s really good. There are three things I’ve noticed are missing (animations for one interactable in the hub world, portraits for 2 characters further in). Aside from that it feels similar quality-wise to the first game, which I last played a week ago, so it’s still fresh in my mind.
I’m sure new content will get slower soon and halt in a couple of hours, but wow is it polished already. There’s also an indication of a lot of additional content coming in the future, but that will have to wait for further patches.
Supergiant is possibly the only company I would say do it for. All of their games are well polished and complete. They don’t believe in dlc which is great. I’m someone that is still waiting for Spiderman 2 to go on discount before I buy it. Last full price game I bought was Hades surprisingly enough.
You’re such an enabler. I love it! Stop enabling me.
I know I’m not necessarily representative of the average gamer, but Hades is and was one of my favorite modern games. I feel like it’s almost pointless to not buy this game as soon as I can, even if I don’t have time to play it right this moment. Have you played it already at this point, and if so, what are your impressions?
I played it for an hour, used a PS5 controller with zero issues. Feels like Hades but different. So far I like it a lot. I would recommend it if you liked the first one and I’m interested in how the story goes. To me, Supergiant excels in the story department. If you never played transistor, then get it. My personal favorite game ever. Up there with Zelda: Link between two past.
I’m usually a patient gamer type. I think I got Hades in 2022 or 2023 on discount. I’ve also never purchased an early access game. But I’m seriously considering this one.
Main thing holding me back is that I just don’t get to play games very much this time of year, and I probably won’t have much time again until Fall.
If you really don’t have much time to game, I’d still say try to wait. It’ll be more fleshed out later on and perhaps out of EA(?).
Solid point. But I want it now. I guess I’m still holding out hope that I might have some time to play while I’m traveling in the next month or so.
Does the early access stuff sometimes stop being available? Like if I don’t buy it soon, is it something that might go away until they’re ready to do a full release?
If you don’t have it already, maybe you should look at a steam deck in the future. I find it to be really good for times in my life when my time to play is limited, and a better source of unwinding than just mindlessly scrolling Lemmy or Instagram when I have a spare 15.
I’m not aware of that happening, but I can’t say for sure. Typically the games stay Early Access until they announce the official release.
I bought the game and played for roughly 3 hours. If you’ve seen their stream from the technical test, I got roughly as far in the meta-game as they did, but run-wise I got somewhere ~the middle of the third act. Right now I can see at least ~3-5 hours of unlockables I need to get resources for (and more is revealed after more runs/unlocks), and I haven’t tried most new boons yet.
It’s really good. There are three things I’ve noticed are missing (animations for one interactable in the hub world, portraits for 2 characters further in). Aside from that it feels similar quality-wise to the first game, which I last played a week ago, so it’s still fresh in my mind.
I’m sure new content will get slower soon and halt in a couple of hours, but wow is it polished already. There’s also an indication of a lot of additional content coming in the future, but that will have to wait for further patches.
So what you’re saying is, I need to go ahead and take some vacation from work and real life and go ahead and dive head first into this game. Gotcha.
Supergiant is possibly the only company I would say do it for. All of their games are well polished and complete. They don’t believe in dlc which is great. I’m someone that is still waiting for Spiderman 2 to go on discount before I buy it. Last full price game I bought was Hades surprisingly enough.
You’re such an enabler. I love it! Stop enabling me.
I know I’m not necessarily representative of the average gamer, but Hades is and was one of my favorite modern games. I feel like it’s almost pointless to not buy this game as soon as I can, even if I don’t have time to play it right this moment. Have you played it already at this point, and if so, what are your impressions?
I played it for an hour, used a PS5 controller with zero issues. Feels like Hades but different. So far I like it a lot. I would recommend it if you liked the first one and I’m interested in how the story goes. To me, Supergiant excels in the story department. If you never played transistor, then get it. My personal favorite game ever. Up there with Zelda: Link between two past.
If you don’t have much time to spare I would recommend to wait a little more. It would still be a big support if you buy it at full price in fall.