Please use a personal email. My email is ‘mail’ @ ‘my actual name’. It does not get more personal than that
But you can’t use emails starting with mail@, admin@, support@, info@, main@, etc.
Instead they advised me (3 times) to create a personal email on a service like Yahoo, Outlook, Gmail, Orange, etc
Set all mails addressed to your domain but to the wrong email to be sent to your primary email. Then sign the petition with “<service_you_are_signing_up_fo>”.
I do this with my domain and it works great.
Only negative I’ve had is that people with a similar name have ended up signing up for things and misspelling theirs with it ending up on mine.
Yeah. I didn’t have a catch all mail and have set it up now. I was just surprised and ‘mildly infuriated’ that they would block this
Catch all is better you can see who’s selling your email lol