Manjaro 24.0 Since we released Vulcan in December 2023 we worked hard to get the next release of Manjaro out there. We call it Wynsdey. This is also our first release which comes with Plasma 6. The GNOME edition has received several updates to Gnome 46 series. This includes a lot of fixes and polish when Gnome 46 originally was released in March 2024. You can find the changes made to each point-release here: 46.1. Highlights of 46 release series are: GNOME’s filemanager comes with a new glob...
Not liking Arch is exclusively a skill issue. You may prefer stable release distros, but you won’t find a rolling release distro better than Arch.
Except Tumbleweed
Tumbleweed is way worse, zypper is very bad, it’s backed by a corporation, no AUR, it’s honestly quite mediocre.
It’s not bad, just not exceptional (like Arch).
Debian testing enters the room
I love Debian, but isn’t testing frozen for some time before the release of the next stable? I think during the freeze you won’t even get security updates.
I use arch you dum ass I just don’t like arch based distros except steam
Do you use SteamOS?
Yes I have a steam deck but on my desktop I run arch