I was Nobara user, then I am using Fedora right now. I want to use things like Hyprland etc. and ya know, Its damn cool to say I am using arch btw. So I’ve decided to use Arch Linux. But everyone says its always breaking and gives problems. That’s because of users, not OS… right? I love to deal with problems but I don’t want to waste my time. Is Arch really problemful OS? Should I use it? I know what to do with setup/ usage, the hardness of Arch is not problem for me but I am just concerned about the mindset “Arch always gets broken”.
AFAIK Next OS was discontinued about 30 years ago. Although some of it was used in OSX.
You mean NextStep?
Dammit, yes my bad.
Hahaha. I just shocked by what i read. It took 30sec to understand.
Arch never broke for me.
Unless you seek trouble and do stuff without knowing what you are doing (like blindly copy pasting commands from internet into your terminal), it generally just works.
It’s not as good as those distros where all packages come preconfigured for you to work nicely together, so if you want to build a custom system (like, choose your DE/WM/panels/widgets etc), you have to configure all of that to intergate nicely. But you could always just install KDE and everything is pretty stable there, same as in any other KDE based distro.
I know the danger about playing with wires too much hahsha. I made some mistake when I was noob. I am just asking about Arch has problem with itself or not. But if you say its just user’s problem, I am okay with it. Thanks for your answer.
What is a “KDE based distro”?
A distro that ships KDE in not a vanilla form and with some pre-installed custom configuration/fixes by default I think. Stuff like Kubuntu, Arco XL, Manjaro KDE etc
Ah ok. So basically any bigger distro.
I haven’t actually found one that doesn’t have kde.
I just switched from Nobara to NixOS on my gaming PC. I’ve had NixOS on my laptop for almost a year and decided I’m comfortable enough with it to use it full time, and it works great for gaming.
Before NixOS, I was a die-hard Arch user. The only reasons it would break were because I was trying a bunch of stuff from AUR to play around with Wayland + Nvidia when that was brand new, or when I would forget to update for a while.
It breaking was primarily due to me tinkering around and not fully undoing those changes. Now I can do that with no fear on NixOS, and it’s fabulous.
Nix is the only compelling distro for anyone not on an LTS distribution imo. With first class wayland support coming for nvidia, I’m going to be nixing like 5 machines.
My Linux journey started when Ubuntu was in its single digit versions. I don’t remember the exact version I used first, but it was >15 years ago.
Of course I had a long distro hopping phase, that got finally ended by Arch. Because Arch breaks less, at least if you don’t molest it. Upgrades of versioned distros always had hickups or problems, and I grew tired of having to do a larger troubleshoot session once or twice a year. Arch has only very minor hiccups once in a while, and they’re typically always the same. 99% when the update doesn’t run through the keyring changed and you have to update it first, .9% is a bug with like a new release of the DE or something that gets fixed upstream in a couple days. And .1% is you have to look at the news because some manual intervention is required, like removing a package and going for something else or whatever. That is when you keep your system free of cruft and go with a popular DE.
Just 1.5 years ago I finally left Arch after a loong time. For something that is very new and different: fedora atomic (silverblue). Technology wise it is superior in my mind, and in my last years of using Arch I had most things in Flatpaks and containers anyways. But if you want a classical distro, Arch is definitely amongst the very well working ones.
Thanks so much for your detailed and helping answer. I can say that I’m a bit newbie. Only have used linux for 1 years. But I think I learned so much. Then I wanted to use Arch for its fame and the mindset “Arch is hard”. I’m using Arch in my virtual pc to learn how to use it. And I liked its gaming performance, features of Hyprland. But whenever I see something about Arch, everyones mouth full of “Its easily breaking”, “It gives error when you have an important job” etc. And that made me worry about Arch. I trust your experience and decided to use Arch. You helped so much. Thanks again. I wish you a nice day.
So if I understand you well, I just have to check news always to keep my system up to date and stable, and use popular DE. (I choosed Hyprland :)) And not to play with its settings/ packages too much because of the confidence that Arch gave. Right?
Arch doesn’t break on its own, but Arch is Arch, which means you might get an update where a post on the news says “btw, if you have changes to X file, your system won’t boot” or something. People don’t read the news before installing updates, but that’s also fine because I also don’t read them and have been using Arch for over a decade, and my system never broke on its own (to be entirely fair, one time back in 2007 I think, my system stopped showing jpg wallpapers because one library hadn’t been updated, the fix was to update my system the next day).
Also Arch is not hard to install, it’s labor intensive, but anyone with minimal Linux knowledge should be able to do it (and probably ask themselves why they’re being forced to do that).
Finally, Arch is not “cool”, lots of cringe people have ruined it and sometimes saying you use Arch sounds similar to saying you run Kali depending on the context.
Long story short, if you’re happy with what you have keep using it, I’m fairly confident you can get hyprland and everything else working on whatever distro you’re currently using. But if you’re determined to use Arch you should be fine too.
I cannot say I’m an experienced Linux user. Too young for it. And the main reasons that why im hopping on Arch are new experiences and different feelings.The arch is “cool” thing was just a joke. I think so about the Kali thing.
Finally, I wanted to use Arch for different OS experienced and some new, different things. I was concerned about the thing i have explained at post, but the previous comments about it made relaxed. Now, Im decided to Arch. I like its customisable, labor-needing nature. Thanks for your detailed and helping text. Have a nice day.
Like I said in the post on c/archlinux, I had more problems on ‘user-friendly’ distros, than I had on Arch.
So your only motivation is to claim you are cool? If you don’t want to waste time, don’t hop distros for no good reason. You can have a top teir experience with wayland on Fedora. It’s not like the software on Fedora is significantly behind Arch. We just wait for Arch users to find all the bugs :P
I mean if the OS has problems with in it chronically or not as waste of time. As i said, i love to deal with any problems for experience. And, that was joke, im not hopping to Arch for the cool tag. Just, I want new experiences and learning about Linux much more. Thanks for your reply. Have a good day.
If you know what you’re getting into, arch can be a great experience, I’d say give it a try!
Its looking good for me. And i like its gaming performance. The main reason for changing os is new experiences. I want Arch but the quotes “Arch is easy to get broken” yk was making me worry about it. But the previous comments helped me for that mindset. Im decisive for hopping on Arch. Thanks for reply, have a nice day.
I mean, try it. Sometimes you can’t tell if something is the os or the users till you do.
Thanks to previous comments, understood the thing I was wrong and decided to use Arch relaxedly. Now I’m using Arch. Thanks. Have a nice day.
My vote is universal Blue and its spins like Bluefin or Bazzite
Rolling release 🤷🏻♂️ there might be updates which cause issues where you might need to rollback, if you can handle that it shouldn‘t be a problem.
I‘m using Arch myself since about 2 months and never happened that an update break something for me - when something broke it was my own fault.
So you say about being careful before getting new updates and read news about it (if i get it clearly). What to do with it? How can I understand that latest update will make issues on my pc or not?
If there is no problem inside of Arch, its okay and just asked for it. But the only problem is users as far as i understood. Thanks for your reply
Nah, I run my updates maybe once a week on average. If afterwards something breaks, I simply do a complete Rollback (with e. g. snapshots). If after the next update its still broken, then I start to dig in „what“ is broken and how I might fix it
But as I said, it didn‘t happen to me yet - but I‘m also fairly new to Arch as well, so that‘s at least my plan on how I would go after it.
My experience, ymmv, the most work went into configuring everything you need or want the first time. The right drivers for your graphics card, for your webcam, wifi, acpi multimedia keys, etc. Though I don’t use a gnome/kde/DE, so some of that may automagically work for you. After that though, updates don’t tend to break the things you’ve already fixed.
One time in 5 years the names of some acpi keys changed, and I had to update the script, and that wasn’t really arch’s fault. Also Google did a funny thing with their monospaced font that xft couldn’t handle, again not an arch specific thing.
And here’s a hot take for you, I only update about every 18 months. That’s usually how long it takes Discord to become binarily incompatible with installed libraries. Update the keyring first and never a problem.
Honestly I feel like if you can’t give a proper definition of what an OS or a distribution is in a single sentence, then stick to whatever is BOTH popular and matching your standards, both moral and economical.
I can say I don’t have enough experince to say anything about different distros. Its my first year and I didn’t changed OSs too much. I want to get new experiences and different types of things. And I liked that labor-needy and fully-controlable vibe of Arch. And just decided to Arch but I was worried about sths. Thanks to previous replies, I understood what I have to. Thanks. Have a good day.
If you’re going to distro hop, do it, don’t let people tell you you’re wrong. I’ve learned how to set up and use a variety of Linux and BSD systems by distro hopping. But, I think maybe you should set up one system that is solid and then distro hop in virtual machines using VirtualBox. It works well and often can handle things like Haiku and Amiga type OSes as well. Just for fun, of course.
It’s a learning process, even decades later you will still learn about differences so don’t worry about it. If you do want to learn efficiently IMHO have notes, and ideally share them with others who might be able to help you dig deeper. Enjoy the journey, it’s a worthwhile one IMHO.
I would recommend trying other distros in a VM to see how you like them. Arch gets updates really fast, so stuff does break. A point release distro will also have updates that break them, but they will be at scheduled times and usually the old one is supported for a while. Also, fedora has hyprland as a package. It may be rpmfusion, but you should be able to install with dnf install hyprland.
I was an Arch user for 7 years and it never broke on me. Started with Gnome, than changed to XFCE after a couple of years and on my last year using it, I had no DE, only a WM. So multiple configurations, all rock solid. And I learned a ton in the process. Highly recommend using it.