I was shocked when I realized people pronounced it fs-tab lmao
Mentally I say Fs-tab because its filesystem table but if I ever say it out loud its f-stab
Now that’s insanity
I’m calling the authorities. All of them.
Oh shit. Does that stand for file system?
File system table
*File System Table-stab
I’ve never heard fs-tab in my life. Always f-stab. Hmmm…
TIL for me
Congrats for being one of today’s lucky 10000! Sauce
Was the other way around for me. F-stab just makes no sense.
Idk its just how my brain decided to “chop up” the word if that makes sense
stab up the word
Sure we can put that way lol
But it sure is memorable!
Ah yes, the file stabber, not to be confused with a file system tabulation, which it definitely is not.
File stabber is a good name. :)
… it never occurred to me that it could be fs tab
deleted by creator
Go fsck yourself
Know what it means. Still call it f stab.
F-stab easier to say and more fun to say
I’ll die on this hill
I’ll defend this hill with you
By stabbing
Mental outlaw said that and it just stayed in my head ever since. Just like /etc is ‘etsy’.
Or SQL is Squeal
No squeal
SQL has always been Skull in my head. I think it is because I hated it when in college and associated it with dying inside.
Not sequel?
Though I know it means “et cetera” when reading my brain has always “heard” that word - whether in the context of the word “etc.” or the computing /etc - as pronounced “ettick.” As in, “you need to edit your ettick f-stab file.”
How else would you say /etc ?
Echo Tango Charlie
et cetera
It is what its always been. F stab
Shit, just say f-stab and enjoy someone “correcting” you, only to smile and continue to say it that way.
It took me a lot longer than I’d like to admit to realize that it was FS Tab.
f stab is real shit bro
fs tab is for losers.
real men say et-see, not etcetera.
i say ee-tee-see
et-see is the objectively correct version, ee-tee-see is the marginally more correct, but less funny version of it. And etcetera is just illegal, you should be jailed if you ever say that.
TIL, I had no clue why we call this arbitrary important file a file stab, but fs tab makes sense now. F stab is more fun to say though (but has probably confused more than just me)
This meme fscks
I think I might be the third option: f’ss-tab.
Couldn’t tell you where that’s from. When I first ran Linux, the year didn’t start with a 2.
it’s tune-2fs, right