• @Xor@beehaw.org
    2811 months ago

    Wow I can’t believe genz prefers to have enough money for food and shelter 🙃

  • @jonah@lemmy.one
    1811 months ago

    “At Gen Z’s age, older people worked 40 hours a week, and made enough money to buy a house and have barbecues on the weekend,” says Corey Seemiller, an educator, researcher and TEDx speaker on Gen Z. “Gen Z works 50 hours a week at their jobs, and another 20 hours a week side hustling, yet still make barely enough to cover rent.”

    Not sure how they wrote a whole article that basically just says this same idea they quoted at the beginning with a lot more words. Gen Z’s money troubles are very easy to comprehend lol

  • !ozoned@lemmy.world
    1711 months ago

    I’m a genX. I’ve heard my grandparents talk about raising 4 children, owning a house, having 2 cars, on just my grandfather working as a butcher. Maybe older generations weren’t motivated by pay, because they never had to worry about it because they were never under paid?

    • @TheTrueLinuxDev@beehaw.org
      611 months ago

      Bingo. Their generation is an entire generation of griefers. The past few years make me look at my grandparent very differently.

  • What I hope is that millennials don’t become the thing we’ve railed against for so long. I look at Gen Z with a ton of pride and hope. I don’t claim to get everything they’re into, but they seem to be open and adamant about advocating for their value. That’s a good thing.

    • @Gork@beehaw.org
      1711 months ago

      My parent’s generation said that I’d become more conservative as I get older. As a millennial, this ain’t happening. I’ve seen what such policies have done to us and I want change.

      • Kamirose
        811 months ago

        Yeah, if anything I’ve gotten more left as I’ve gotten older, I grew up thinking I was “fiscally conservative” (aka I was involved in the lgbt community but my mom listened to american conservative talk radio in the mid '00s and I absorbed some of those views), and as I went away to college and became politically aware in my own right I’ve naturally settled on socialism. The fact that I can barely afford rent while a dozen people control over half the wealth in America has certainly affected my outlook too.

        • @Gork@beehaw.org
          611 months ago

          lol I’m not even counting on Social Security or Medicare to be around when I’m old enough to retire (if I even can) because I’m guessing that’s all gonna be cut in the future.

          • @Narte@lemmy.ml
            311 months ago

            What if, instead of allowing these services that we’ve paid for to be taken from us, we instead force the billionaires to rip them from or bloody fingers while we take bites out of their greedy little hands. 🐰🔥🥰

        • @argv_minus_one@beehaw.org
          311 months ago

          Is the retirement plan to die in the revolution, or is the retirement plan itself going to die in the revolution?

          …Or both?

      • mint
        611 months ago

        YUP. The only way that’d be possible is if we somehow gained something during our generation and wanted to screw over the generation beneath us to keep it. But we didn’t get anything, so what is there to conserve, lmfao. The only thing I’ve become as I’ve gotten older is more empathetic, to the point it’s probably detrimental to my health.

      • @argv_minus_one@beehaw.org
        511 months ago

        Fellow millennial here. Hasn’t happened yet. The older I get, the angrier I get at the right wing, for not only denying progress but reversing it.

      • Pigeon
        411 months ago

        Yeah. People mistook a trend of people getting more conservative as they got richer for a trend of people getting more conservative as they got older, since once age and wealth correlated more, at least for cishet white folks.

        Instead I’ve steadily tilted farther and farther left with the years.

  • @Mindless_Enigma@beehaw.org
    1011 months ago

    Six years ago it seemed ridiculous for a 1bed/1bath apartment to cost $1,200 a month. Now nothing here even starts below $2k. Shockingly, that means I need more money to live here. Who would’ve thought?

  • Shrek
    211 months ago

    A decent amount of years into my career and with my pay renting a two bedroom apartment in my area would probably be too high of a burden. I am lucky in that I bought a house when I did in the past, but I also don’t want to pull the ladder up behind me. Stick it to em gen Z.