Can we maybe not try to do stuff that could start a new pandemic, please?
Instructions unclear, started a new war instead
In response, SK should send over balloons with a load of fake NK money to devalue their currency further.
Time for the monkey defense force…
Get that dart towers ready
Fittingly symbolic, as this is the first time I’ve ever heard of North Korea ever exporting anything made there.
At least they already seem to export their labour for american companies:
South Korean air defenses in action
Ghengis khan would be so proud of the breadth of their siege…
But in all seriousness, after reading the article I feel I need to enquire, in a general sense, what in the flying fuck? Did they not own enough garbage to be rid of some more? If so, that’s horrifically depressing. They would need to be so destitute that even their refuse is scarce. Was it even voluntary? Were they ordered to shit in the packages? The complete absence of reasonable causes is distressing. I mean, who chooses to give an entire city a Chicago sunroof?
“What do you mean you blew the entire budget on developing the balloon?! What the hell are we going use for the payload???”
That’s perfectly good fertilizer they’re sending over the border, very wasteful of them.
These weapons are shit.
Just like all of their weapons
What a fucking waste of helium.
I mean it could be hydrogen
It was dear leader’s personally excreted airdrop gift of much needed fertilizer for starving capitalists down south.
I think there was a mistranslation of “biological warfare”
Edit: Jfc, I can’t believe I agree with lil kim
Kim has called South Korean K-pop a “vicious cancer.”)
Also, this response is based as fuck, and I can’t believe I’m using the term based because I think it’s fucking stupid, but this is based as fuck.
Oh, y’all gonna fuck with us and drop letter bombs? Hold my north Korean beer…
It’s a shit storm.
I’m gonna shit myself laughing at this
Why is kpop a cancer? It’s just a genre
Eh, it isn’t the music that’s the cancer. It’s just bland pop, no big deal.
It’s the industry that surrounds it that’s cancerous. It chews “idols” up and spits them out.
That’s kind of every industry though? Kpop is particularly insidious but it’s right along the lines of child pageantry, game development, and teaching in the US for exploitation. Just because someone else tells you that you have to work yourself into the ground to achieve success, it doesn’t mean you have to actually do it. 9/10 times you’re working harder to make up for mismanagement and being gaslit into thinking you’re the problem. Parents, bosses, whoever thinks they’re the authority, they’re all trying to get you to forget that everyone’s superpower is the power of choice. Someone else can always force your hands but nobody can ever make you choose to do anything. You must agree to be truly complicit.
Also I saw baby metal the other week. They’re pretty neat and vaguely kpop inspired so kpop gets a pass for now.
They’re pretty neat and vaguely kpop inspired.
Kpop was inspired by Japanese idols.
I missed the opportunity to see the BabyKlok tour. Still sad about it.
Currently in SK… Yea that are
Whose poops?
Definitely not Kim Jong Un. He works so hard, he burns the energy from inside. He doesn’t have a butthole, he has no need for one.
My eBay listing says this is his hot sister’s poop.
When Poo Balloons start drifting into Ukrainian skies we’ll know where Moscow got them