What are your favorite board games? Me and my friends love playing board games, but I get the feeling their tired of playing the same things. What do you guys usually play? My favorite board game of all time is HeroQuest. I never get tired of playing it. Also love Catan, Arkham Horror, Betrayal House on the Hill, Spyfall (great at parties)
Might be a slightly separate category, but I still think of it as a board game. I really like Call of Cthulhu. Tabletop RPG systems in general are typically good fun as long as you have a good group of people to share the time with, but mechanically I think CoC is particularly good. It is simple to learn and the mechanics really assist in the tense storytelling.
Tabletop rpgs are my passion. I devote a lot of time to it, and getting together with my friends to play is my favorite thing in the world. Currently dming Pathfinder Kingmaker.
I just started reading the pathfinder 2e core book. It’s really interesting compared against 5e. I’d like to convince my group to give it a try, but I’m running Deathwatch right now, then there’s 2 or 3 other campaigns lined up before the DM hat will get back around to me, so it might be a minute before I get around to actually playing it.
Pathfinder 2e is pretty great, and an all around upgrade compared to 5e. If you need any Pathfinder 2e book pdfs just dm me
I so agree with you! Been playing RPGs for decades now …!
I had a chance to play a CoC one shot recently, it was really good!
Yeah, Call of Cthulu was my favorite out of most of the tabletop games. You need a good Storyteller, which I was lucky to have once.