• @mustyOrange@beehaw.org
    3411 months ago

    Spez on Christian (Apollo dev)

    His “joke” is the least of our issues. His behavior and communications with us has been all over the place—saying one thing to us while saying something completely different externally; recording and leaking a private phone call—to the point where I don’t know how we could do business with him.

    Spez is a fucking joke

    • @zarquon@sh.itjust.works
      3311 months ago

      I loved the commentary on that exchange from hackernews.

      “”" fwlr 8 minutes ago | prev | next [–]

      The rule that you shouldn’t build your business on someone else’s API obviously applies here and in the end Reddit is of course justified in choosing to shut out third party apps. But I must say it is simply hilarious that their exorbitant new price was so absurd that when devs quoted it back to them as a buyout rate, Reddit felt like they were being blackmailed. I mean that’s literally getting offended at your own number. “”"

      He’s right. If you think the golden goose lays $x/yr and the guy offers it at $.5x and it offends you, you’ve got a problem with yourself.

    • Scrubbles
      1011 months ago

      What an asshole. Still trying to ruin iamthatis.

      For fuck’s sake dude, sorry that you wanted to only quietly out that you’re an asshole and he made sure we all know what a giant, gaping asshole you are.


      • BackOnMyBS
        511 months ago

        spez is a straight up narcissist that uses the same playbook as the rest. it’s so evident with the gaslighting, blame-shifting, and smear campaign. at this point, anything he says should be understood to be a tactical play in gaining control by seeming powerful, “on your side,” or requiring pity as a victim. his mind is deranged, so he has no other capacity.

        • Scrubbles
          511 months ago

          Positive is the overwhelming number of people not falling for it and calling him out on it. It’s amazing, doesn’t matter politics, religion, sexual identity, everyone is fully united in saying “fuck spez”

  • PunsNRoses
    2811 months ago

    Spez comes off as a narcissistic little pissbaby. Blaming the apps/devs that made Reddit what it is, rather than actually looking at ways to make the site better for everyone.

  • @BrokenToshy@beehaw.org
    2411 months ago

    You can pretty much feel the anger from each of his replies, he’s getting shit on and can’t handle it. What an absolute clown

  • Outsider
    11 months ago

    He then answered a question on the Apollo dev situation and my god, he just dug the hole deeper. He has no idea the public perception of him and reddit at the moment, and then he continues to slander the Apollo dev with no facts or anything to back up that Apollo dev did anything wrong.

    For NBA fans, he’s got some real Steve Kerr energy there too, more concerned about the recording of the call than anything else, like when the video of Draymond punching Poole came out.

  • @bigbox@lemmy.ml
    1811 months ago

    This is making our switch to Lemmy feel quite justified, isn’t it? Although even if Reddit was still in good shape I think the potential of a decentralized platform is much better. I probably would have migrated here whether this shitstorm happened or not.

    • @Ryobee@beehaw.org
      511 months ago

      Unfortunately we may just be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. The developers (and moderators of this instance) are unapologetic authoritarians, and on their own instance they ban people for criticizing authoritarian governments. Take a look at this post from their own reddit account in regards to Tiananmen Square.

      I want the fediverse to succeed. I love the idea of a less centrally-controlled approach to social media, because we’ve all seen the problems that can create. But I’m worried that the influence of authoritarian-leaning developers could be a serious problem.

      • Geometric7792
        11 months ago

        Why would that be a serious problem? The code is open and it can be hosted by anyone. The moderators of a single instance are nearly meaningless to a federated system. That’s the whole point.

        To put it another way, what problems do you think the devs being tankies might cause?

        • @Ryobee@beehaw.org
          11 months ago

          On the main instance they’ve banned a few accounts for comments about human rights abuses in authoritarian-left governments. But it’s true, that’s instance specific. I know that on Mastodon the original instance, mastodon.social, has kind of set the tone for the other instances, so there could be an effect of that sort. Other than that? I’ll just be honest and tell you that I’m not sure. It’s hard to predict these kinds of things. But I agree with feditips that it could be a cause for concern.

          • @Nyanix@beehaw.org
            311 months ago

            I think that’s the cool thing about it though is if we don’t like the host of an instance, we move on to a better one. That will especially apply if they implement importing/exporting accounts like you can in Mastodon. Then you’re REALLY not locked into any one server. I understand what you’re saying, it’s no small deal, but we can let them sit in their own echo chamber, and we go where we feel more comfortable.

      • @SirSolrac@lemmy.ml
        411 months ago

        Can just make an account in another instance (like you´ve done in Beehaw) or kbin I suppose. So far I haven´t seen anything that makes me uncorfortable with lemmy.ml, but given all these smaller platforms are on a trial period for me I have no qualms moving if needed be

        • @Ryobee@beehaw.org
          211 months ago

          Yeah. That’s one of the things I like most about fediverse. You can always move around if you feel like you need to, and you’ll still be able to interact with the communities you were interacting with earlier (in most cases). We’ll see what happens. I think the instance I joined seems genuinely well-meaning (although like most users, I’m still mostly just dipping my feet in here). I just wanted to put out there that the lead developers could have some problematic views.

      • @bigbox@lemmy.ml
        311 months ago

        I disagree with the feditips account. I think he’s pushing people away from lemmy rather than the specific instance. I’ve had no issues on lemmy.ml and the mods here have been great. I’m pretty sure he’s just referring to lemmygrad. And like the other user who replied to you said, you could always make a new instance or join another. The political opinions of the devs means nothing if the platform is decentralized. Unlike Reddit, they don’t have power over the entire platform, just whatever instance they host, just like if I made an instance, which I can, I have complete power over it.

        • @Ryobee@beehaw.org
          211 months ago

          You can look at the modlog and see that lemmy.ml has also banned people for criticism of authoritarian governments. The reddit post I linked to in regards to Tiananmen Square was posted by one of the moderators of lemmy.ml.

          • @bigbox@lemmy.ml
            611 months ago

            Well, everything else I said stands. You’re on Beehaw, so none of that affects you. I could migrate my account there if it became an issue. Lemmy as an overall platform should still be recommended imo, because there are so many instances to join instead.

    • @lemillionsocks@beehaw.org
      711 months ago

      Just like most high profile AMA’s on reddit. But yeah it’s pretty obvious theres a lot of money to be made here and as a mouthpiece for this company they arent going to give a lot of straight answers. Honestly I’m not sure why theyre even bothering with an AMA instead of just an announcement addressing concerns but they want to keep the reddit image I guess.

      That image is dead and buried and has been since the site became one of the biggest on the web but what are you gunna do.

  • wagesof
    1611 months ago

    If he has any lawyers or a wife or anyone who has any investment in reddit getting an IPO they should tackle him and take the keyboard away.

    Good lord, he’s got a steam shovel and is gonna break into the mantle from the hole he’s digging.

  • untilyouarrived
    1411 months ago

    You can tell that he is absolutely furious at the attention that Apollo has gotten.

    • Scrubbles
      1411 months ago

      Mad, mad props to Apollo’s dev for being so transparent about it. Guaranteed they thought they could bully him into staying quiet about it and then closing up shop. He told them to pound sand and controlled the narrative. That man needs to do documentaries or reporting. Meticulous, knew how to talk to a crowd, and not afraid of corporations bullying him.

    • @zarquon@sh.itjust.works
      111 months ago

      I think the real answer has to be that he gave them real numbers he expected them to pay. They all said wtf no but he promised similar numbers to his investors from the official channels.

      People who are doing better then him (profit wise) at his own game bailed when asked for things he promised to deliver.

  • Nick
    1411 months ago

    Man, I’m gonna miss reddit, but Lemmy seems pretty awesome so far.

  • untilyouarrived
    1011 months ago

    You can tell that he is absolutely furious at the attention that Apollo has gotten.

    • Scrubbles
      711 months ago

      You just know every comment is being vetted by legal, marketing, and PR. Coward. Can’t say anything without corporate double speak

      • iNeedScissors67
        411 months ago

        I’m shocked that any lawyer would say “yeah, go ahead, this AMA is a great idea”

  • @OptimsticDolphin@lemmy.world
    911 months ago

    “We’ll continue to be profit-driven until profits arrive. Unlike some of the 3P apps, we are not profitable.”

    Almost understandable but did they really think this was the way to put it?