EDPS launches pilot phase of two social media platforms | European Data Protection Supervisor

EU voice (Mastodon) EU video (Peertube)

— Sarcasm mode on —

Wait, not that NATO was so united? why don’t they trust Uncle Sam’s platforms? Why are they afraid of Musk, isn’t he the real life Tony Stark who will take us to Mars in green rockets (not the ones he smokes)?

  • axeltherabbit@lemmy.wiredentrypoint.xyz
    3 years ago

    You’re sharing your IP with groups of strangers and the government everytime you watch a video.

    People don’t know that’s what’s happening when using peertube they are just visiting a site in their mind.

    P2P nature of peertube stops me

    You can disable p2p video streaming in your instance if it worries you.

    People know they are sharing their IP because there is a disclamer active in most instances.

    I don’t personally see a better alternative and IP can be masked in many ways.

    • Tryp@fuckreddit.tryp.digital
      3 years ago

      I was unaware you could disable that until now, I haven’t taken a deeper look into peertube in a while so it may have been before the feature. They added the client toggle about 2 years ago

      That does make me more positive on it. I did some testing now visiting instances and it does appear the vast majority have it enabled by default (everyone I looked at) and the warning message about it only appears when you’re watching a video so too little too late for me. The warning message is also just a tiny bar along the bottom, I didn’t even notice it for a while and I thought there wasn’t any warnings, if you fullscreen right after starting the video you’d never see it.

      Definitely better than I initially stated but I still think the P2P part needs more explicit opt in with the possibility of throttling connections if they decline to be fair to the admins.

      The only other alternative is something like https://odysee.com/ which is based on LBRY a crypto so not exactly my 1st choice but it does have the benefit of offloading the P2P portion to the service hoster. Modern video content is so large that it makes serving and storage of the content a massive overhead so I understand the need for P2P for sure but I think it should be more explicit in how it happens.