The orphan crushing machine continues its implacable work
“Summer Camp”
- Single Day
- 3 Hours
- Just learn to be a wage slave
- All indoors, except presumably when you go out with an ipad to take orders from fucks in their car
I’m failing to see the camp here.
I’m failing to see the camp here.
Oh, it’s more of a concentration camp than your traditional summer camp.
I wonder at what point in those three hours do they try to indoctrinate your child to think being gay is a moral failing.
Every Chic-fil-A I’ve been to has had at least one person working there who dropped a Gucci bag out of their mouth when speaking. This company really confuses me.
wait, 12pm is midday, not midnight?
That makes no sense at all.AM is ante meridian and PM is post meridian. It’s referenced to the prime meridian through Greenwich UK. If the sun is to the east of the line (ie. Before noon where it is vertical) it’s before (ante) the meridian. If it’s after (post) noon it’s after the meridian. It’s all outdated but that’s how time works.
12 pm isn’t past noon, it’s noon.
12 am is past noon just as much as it is before noon.
So for 12 o’clock, choosing am or pm is arbitrary convention.
So it would make more sense to reverse them, to get a consistant row that starts with 1:
1 am, 2 am, 3 am, 4 am, 5 am, 6 am, 7 am, 8 am, 9 am, 10 am, 11 am, 12 am, 1 pm , 2 pm , 3 pm , 4 pm , 5 pm , 6 pm , 7 pm , 8 pm , 9 pm , 10 pm , 11 pm , 12 pmNot to defend 12hr time because it’s dumb as a bag of bricks, but 12:45pm is definitely past noon and having the time go from 12:00am to 12:01pm would be way too silly. Also, you can think of the moment between 11:59:59.999999~ as just before noon and 12:00:00.0000000001 as the first fraction of a second after noon if it helps.
Except that you don’t just use it for whole hours. 12.01 is clearly post meridian, so it has to be PM if you wanna keep the meaning. With your example 12 am and 12.01 pm would either be one minute apart or you’d have to drop the whole meaning of am and pm, which would just make it an entirely arbitrary construct that’s even more difficult to understand.
On the other hand, as a European I’m quite happy with 24h time keeping. This whole am-pm system is quite unnecessary.
Paying for your kid to be a wage slave lmfao
Start early to train to work dead end jobs. This really says that this is the best you can do and that’s fucking awful.
In what decade?
$5.15 minimum wage. I know because I worked that then. Thousands per semester just in tuition. In state, public. Burgers would be $10k/yr full time. No one puts themselves through college like that. $900/mo is mostly rent at that point.
It just depends. I did nearly the same thing but went to a really cheap college. Mine was a bit more recent and I was making 8.25 also in a really low cost of living area which makes a big difference for sure
Jesus fucking Christ. Yet another reason not to eat there. I hope the kids wipe boogers over everything in the kitchen.
Wtf is this real? How is this legal
The QR code leads to what looks to be a subdomain of the real CFA website that redirects to a closed Google Form
Why wouldn’t it be?
The better question is, why would any parent sign up for this?
The clidren yearn for the mines.
The WorkReform discussion on this is how you know that shit’s run by glowies
I just caught up on what a tankie is. What’s a glowie now?