i found one on fdroid but it was old and the directory selector was broken and couldn’t really work outside of it’s default for some reason, it also rendered the page i’m trying to use really weirdly, like it wasn’t sending some file over and the css got borked.
Found one that wasn’t foss, installed it, opened it, “buy premium to unlock this feature”, uninstalled it.
Install termux from f-droid. Then install nginx inside termux. Works great.
Sorry I don’t have any suggestions, but I’m very curious about your use case. What led you to needing this?
Are you doing web dev with just a phone? Impressive
thankfully no, i’m just trying to run a Twine game on it
could try a flask webapp
from flask import Flask, send_from_directory import os app = Flask(__name__) # Specify the directory you want to share SHARED_DIRECTORY = 'shared_files' @app.route('/files/<path:filename>', methods=['GET']) def get_file(filename): """Serve a file from the shared directory.""" try: return send_from_directory(SHARED_DIRECTORY, filename) except FileNotFoundError: return "File not found", 404 @app.route('/') def list_files(): """List files in the shared directory.""" files = os.listdir(SHARED_DIRECTORY) files_list = '\n'.join(files) return f"<h1>Files in {SHARED_DIRECTORY}</h1><pre>{files_list}</pre>" if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(host='', port=5000)
Just did a search on fdroid
Servdroid looks 11 years old
LWS is about 5 which might still work
If you really need a web server you can possibly run one on termux, not sure if root required though
If its just file sharing, see the other comment
Does it have to be http? If FTP is ok too, you can try primitive ftpd, or the built-in FTP feature in Material Files or Amaze.
I use SimpleHttp server but it’s not open source and available only on play store. I use this to download epub from my e-reader after having downloaded them on my phone. Now I will look into foss solutions proposed in this Post, through termux or other apps, thanks.
Edit: indeed with termux + caddy + termux widget it’s just perfect
Not open source but CX File Explorer can make an FTP server for you.
Amaze and Material Files are open source and can create an ftp server