C’mon woke boys and girls! DO YOU WANT TO LIVE FOR EVER?!
One of my favorite details in Civil War was the the fact that the leader of the western alliance strike team was wearing a Hawaiian shirt. It seemed simultaneously absurd and hyper-realistic.
It got a lot of little things very “right” for those that pay attention. It was better than I expected after hearing the reception.
Not like that
this is a response to the post title in reference to the image
I’m glad it’s also in Japanese, just in case.
Pretty sure there’s a quiet subdivision of Japanese who want to see the US fracture so they can sneak in during the confusion and finally take the west coast for the glory of the Emperor.
And maybe a little ass, for a treat.
And shoes, for some no doubt much needed fibre
I’m still new to Japanese, but that looks like it says クツを食べる, which means “I eat shoes”.
ケツ, not 靴
ケツを食べる, which means “I eat ass”
In fairness, I don’t think it’s ever covered in lessons. Unless Duolingo has a new kink I’m not aware of.
Idk the characters, but I do know how to pronounce it thanks to filthy franks Japanese 101 lessons.
There had better be a pair of rhinestone Cowboy boots below those shorts.
Where asacoco tail plug
The Filthy Frank Shirt is god tier
Doesn’t the A2 front sight get in the way of your dot?
It’s not ideal, but it’s not an impossible hinderance. The picture has a low power variable scope. At magnified levels, the front sight post becomes a thin shadow in the lower half. Noticeable but doesn’t impact much. At 1x magnification the front sight post does reach to where the reticle is, but the target area is still viewable.
With an LPVO the front sight post isn’t usable since the 1x setting isn’t “true 1x” but has a tiny amount of distortion, however with a red dot, the front sight post is still crisp, which means that if the dot dies it is easy to look through the optic and use the front sight.
When shooting with both eyes open for close range with an optic you get so much information from both eyes that the blockage by the post is essentially edited out by your brain.
The standard service issue M16 and M4s have/had fixed front sight posts and have been issued with optics for decades.
Can I get a witness?!
Where’s your gas mask? 0/10
Imagine the last thing you see is this, Gundam posing over your body yelling “Nani?!!!”
I miss the days between Friday and Monday
and then the genie is sucked back in
Hope they like it unwashed. Ain’t gonna be no showers in WWIII.
Classic boogaloo drip.
And the menus full tonight boys!