Biden’s latest attempt to convince everyone he has what it takes to stay in the race will air at 6:30 PM Eastern / 3:30 PM Pacific.
More on where and how to watch here:
My expectation is that it will be on all the usual sources. CNN, MSNBC, etc. etc. with in depth coverage on the talking head shows later tonight.
Edit Conference is running 20+ 50+ minutes late after already being pushed back 1 hour from 5:30 to 6:30.
Not sure if that’s good news or bad news.
Here we go! 58 minutes late, but he’s on a roll talking about NATO.
Oh, snap! Reminding everyone that Article 5 has only been used once… 9/11.
Speech ran less than 10 minutes, but was a strong speech, now the questions.
Fumbles on the first answer, calling out “Vice President Trump”. :(
Ended after almost an hour with one final question on “Vice President Trump” - Biden’s answer “Listen to him.” End conference.
Overall, I’m pretty happy with how it went!
“I’ve been to 20 events since the debate. What’s trump doing? Riding around in his golf cart. Filling out a scorecard before he hits the ball.”
ALSO: wit is a good sign of stable, sharp minds. It was a good comment for him to make.
Honestly that line was probably written by a speech writer beforehand, but it shows he can remember it and deliver it with good timing. It was pretty good.
He’s run that line multiple times since the debate and had a variation on it in the debate.
I’m not happy with our current standards for President.
Sneaky humor is the best humor, especially when it’s rooted in fact
Legit witty.
Vice president Trump. Lol
Jfc why tho
Ever read Transmetropolitan?
The Beast vs. the Smiler.
Is this the Only Trump in Village ?
Like three times, and then said he’d beat Trump a second later…
I don’t think he realized.
He didn’t.
And that will be used against him too. Not only did he make the gaffe, he didn’t even realize he made the gaffe.
(And for the record, it’s sad that voters are holding Biden to a much higher standard than Trump. But here we are.)
(And for the record, it’s sad that voters are holding Biden to a much higher standard than Trump. But here we are.)
Except that’s been the whole point of this exercise from day one!
The voters on the right have proven that they have NO standards that a candidate needs to live up to, while the voters on the left are the ones who are screaming “we need to have high standards for the people who are going to run the country”
Until recently, while the left would have preferred an even better candidate, Biden at least just barely fell above the seemingly minimum bar, especially when compared against Trump. But now Biden seems to have fallen right to the cusp of where the voters who still have standards are wondering if he’s fallen below them, and if there’s might be a better option, both from the standpoint of meeting their standards, and the standpoint of actually being able to win against Trump, who MUST lose for our nation to avoid disaster.
It’s sad that this is the standard we’re holding Biden too…
You know what a momma cat does when it can’t feed all the kittens? It carries the runt off and abandons it
The Republican party is the runt, we can’t save both and the Dem party has the best chance of surviving.
Why waste valuable time and effort calling on trump to step down? He’s literally never going to do it and there’s zero chance republicans go against him
Because the average voter is an idiot and only hearing the Biden dementia stuff makes them more likely to vote for the orange fascist because they haven’t heard nor care about project 2025 and don’t remember their basic elementary school history lessons.
(And for the record, it’s sad that voters are holding Biden to a much higher standard than Trump. But here we are.)
Trump already fails even lower standards. In fact, I can’t think of any serious standard that Trump doesn’t fail.
“don’t be a jackass” Fail.
“don’t be a fascist.” double fail.
“Be human.” Tripple fail.
“don’t be a rapist”. fail-tacular.
“Don’t be a child rapist”… Failing-spree.
In any case, I think a lot of people are afraid of trump winning- and with very good cause, so Biden has a lot of scrutiny. “I beat him before” doesn’t really hold water. he squeaked that under the wire in four states, any 3 of which flipping would have given it to trump. (PA, AZ, GA, CO,) and plenty of others were pretty damn close, too. Trump has had 4 years to improve his image and energize his base. Biden is less popular than he was in 2020. Anyone whose not worried is gonna have a rude awakening, I think.
If you have no intention of ever supporting Trump, it doesn’t matter what he does. It would be nice if the not Trump option wasn’t so similar in age and mental capacity.
Oh please, he will always have a dump truck more mental capacity than Trump.
He’s been a gaffe machine his entire life. I don’t think that’s a sign of an old, decrepit mind, but the sign that the same Biden who referred to his running mate in 2008 as “Barack America” and his running mate’s opponent as “George” (rather than John McCain) is running for President in 2024. I think I like his answer. “You can either watch what I say during a high-pressure interview for 90 minutes, or you can watch what I did for 3.5 years with a staunch opposition throwing out the road blocks every chance they got. But if you vote against me, you get Project 2025. You might want to look that up before you cast your vote.”
I really want to see Biden as the last man standing… let the conference run 3 hours.
“C’mon, man! Ask me your questions! Ohhhh are you all getting ‘too tired’? Do you need to go home for naps?”
Friendly reminder that WWE once ran a wrestling match, trump vs rosie o donnell. They were impersonators, but still. They actually promoted that match on their flagship show.
They also ran a long storyline leading to their version of the superbowl (wrestlemania), where trump picks a guy, and the owner of the wwe (at the time) picks a guy, and whoevers guy loses, they shave the head of the one who bet on him. It’s a predetermined show, so the owner of the wwe got his head shaved. Whats funny is, the guy they picked for trump was a big black guy. The big black guy wins, the owner of the wwe gets his head shaved, and then shows up a few days later on a secondary show wearing a durag, passes Booker T (a different black guy) in the hallway, and proceeds to say “What’s up, my --------???”
The word I’m censoring is a derogitory term, that’s very racist, and it was just said by the white owner of the wwe to his black employee. On TV. On purpose. As written in the script. The same script that the owner of the wwe wrote himself. Nobody forced him to do this. This was his own idea, and done because he thought it was good tv.
Anyways, Vince McMahon is now being taken to court by the government AGAIN (happened in 1993 for completely different reasons). This time it’s because he’s had a 20+ year history of human trafficing women, who were his employees.
…I really don’t even remember what the point is anymore, other than you reminding me what a piece of shit Vince McMahon is. He’s always been a piece of shit, and the wwe will always be tainted for me now.
I always assumed the whole “Vince McMahon owns the WWE” was a bit because I only ever knew him as the ring announcer.
I was like “Wait… THAT Vince McMahon?”
Turned out, the ring announcer thing was the bit.
Watamanuever!!! THIS IS…THE XFL!!!
That’s a recipe for a broken hip
Just climbing to the top rope would be that reciepe.
Why do they have to make everything a battle royale these days?
Next thing you know it’ll be open world too.
Goddamn fetch quests have already been added.
“To get your bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom, you first must travel 300 miles…”
Don’t get me started on the escort missions.
Oh wait that was the last administration.
I would walk 300 miles and I would walk 300 more
Just to get the rights the were denied to me by the shitty Supreme Court
I think extraction shooter is up next unfortunately.
Extract to where, tho
Death Road to Canada
These free-to-play are always pay-to- win
let the conference run 3 hours.
That’s not a good idea. His bedtime is 8.
This is the guy that stands between whatever this status quo is and the Trump brand of fascists. We’re cooked.
Medium rare, or shoe leather with a side of ketchup?
I don’t think he’s really doing anything to appease critics. He’s not doing bad, he’s just not doing well either. I’m sure the “Vice President Trump” bit will make its way around pretty quick.
As someone who is in the camp of calling for Biden to step down, if he would’ve just done this during the debate, we wouldn’t have ever had a problem. Sure, he stumbled and mixed names up… Whatever. George W Bush did far worse, let alone Trump. But that debate performance? That looked closer to outright dementia, I’m sorry. And now in the back of everyone’s minds is when is the inevitable next time he does this? For he certainly isn’t getting any younger, and that sure as shit wasn’t a cold. Meanwhile the apathetic battleground swing-voters who will decide this election and hate both candidates just got the confirmation they needed to say, “both sides / they’re all the same.”
“Closer to outright dementia”
Yeah ok Doc
Oh please… I don’t have to be a fucking doctor to have that perception while also having gone through several of these cases with grandparents and Great-grandparents alike. Like… Are ya blind? Show me Obama doing something like that on the debate stage. Hell even show me 2012 Biden doing that.
What a weak cop-out…
I had grandparents too my dude. I’m also not going to argue that he is old, unlike Obama who was 51 at the time, or Like when Biden was 70 in 2012.
Dementia ≠ being old
Okay sure I’ll cede that. For your part can you go back and read that I wrote, “closer to dementia-like”? Old age, dementia… Whether it truly was dementia or not skirts bottom-line that there is no good excuse for that. The problem is Trump is old but was far more coherent (and simply his usual pathologically-lying self).
That looked closer to outright dementia, I’m sorry.
that I wrote, “closer to dementia-like”?
I edited incorrectly. Regardless, changes absolutely nothing substantively. “looked closer to” versus “dementia-like”. Both imply the same notion.
It’s already trending on Twitter. The constant throat clearing is a little much. He talks too low also.
A board-certified neurologist stated on NBC the other night that “it is a fact that he has Parkinson’s” based on a variety of his behaviors, the slow and low-toned voice being one indicator of many.
If only every doctor could diagnose from a short video. 🙄
Yeah certainly not kosher to diagnose remotely short of physically visiting with patient or reading their file; but I do suspect it can be pretty obvious for an expert to see whose symptoms are (a) largely on public display, and (b) said behaviors are pretty unique to Parkinson’s. But nevertheless, he’s the expert not me. Seems pretty obvious to me that Biden is certainly declining.
Throwing out some options:
If he says “jack” you gotta take a shot of whiskey.
If he says “bud” or “bub” you gotta do a hot knife or bong rip.
If he says “malarkey”, you need to crack a beer and start drinking; you can’t stop till he says “listen here”.
If he pauses for longer than 5 seconds, you have to hold your breath; you can’t breath again until he finishes a complete sentence.
If he yells at a reporter, throw your shoe at the screen.
If he has to get pulled off stage, throw your screen (device, whatever), out of the nearest window.
If he complains or whines, pour a glass of wine and start drinking. Don’t stop until he says “C’mon”.
Please do not attempt this. You will die.
Well now you make it sound enticing!
Username checks out.
Deal. Boarding in about an hour. This flight sure is going to be interesting.
I hope you’re not the pilot
This is like taking a shot every time they say “man animal” in battlefield earth…
A death sentence…
hot knife or bong rip
He did alright. Alright isn’t enough. He needed a homerun to unfuck this, and he hit a single. I think from here on out, Biden is a detriment to the party ticket. If he stays in, our fight becomes much harder.
He did alright. Alright isn’t enough. He needed a homerun to unfuck this, and he hit a single. I think from here on out, Biden is a detriment to the party ticket. If he stays in, our fight becomes much harder.
I would have agreed with that analogy up until that last question. He seems to have this thing about not knowing when to quit…
I’m not even sure he got walked to first base.
Jesus, Joe. That last statement you gave the Republicans the sound bite for the ages:
“Listen to him.”
Fucking dumbass. Dumb dumb dumb dumb.
“Listen to him.”
He meant “If you think I sound incoherent sometimes, you should listen to how bad he (Trump) sounds.”
He could have just walked off stage.
But he couldn’t help himself, just one more, and what a whopper of a sound bite.
It’s almost like there’s a lesson in here about Joe Biden not knowing when to quit.
…did he just confuse Kamela for Trump?
This is like, actually the worst answer he’s given in the conference. Like, dude, you are polling in the 30s. Don’t bring up the polling if you are trying to make your case. Whatever you do pretend the polling doesn’t exist.
Biden: No ones saying that.
Bruh. Everyones saying that. Fuck he fumbled ENTIRELY on the final question. That went from minor win/ good to… fucking disaster in that last minute.
Yeah that was bad
Yeah I had it as a slight win even with the first couple major gaffes.
It doesn’t matter that he had several good, if spoken slowly, cogent answers on Ukraine, Europe, defensive production and budget, etc…
That last question: “Talk to him” and “The campaign hasn’t started”.
That puts more weight on the first few gaffes. Like jesus christ dude just take the fucking W and walk off the god damned stage.
Together with VP Trump we’ll defeat former republican president Kamala!
Well, that started very bad, got a bit better in the middle, and then fell apart at the end. What I’m worried about is that he did just well enough to convince himself not to drop out. I doubt anyone feels much better after that though.
The problem is what is the criteria of success? Not even a good cogent group of answers will be enough for some people.
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So there’s a premade list of who gets to ask a question?
Also. Joe’s all jacked up on mountain dew and just fucking said trump is his vice president…
Yeah, otherwise you’d have a room full of reporters yelling “Mr. President! Mr. President!”
Have em line up like comic con.
What’s the thing with mountain Dew ? Can I use that for ADHD ?
It’s a joke from the Will Ferrell Nascar movie
Basically just means someone is very energetic and it doesn’t seem natural. Not sure how much it caught on, but in the military we used it as a euphemism for being fucked up that maintained plausible deniability if someone overheard.
Oh dear…
Third one is going…OK.
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