Like I cannot fucking figure it out and since I’m BANNED ON REDDIT AGAIN I can’t post on the one place where someone might actually answer this other than here or I guess the steam forums but fuck the steam forums.

Anyway, I have never, ever, in like hundreds of hours of gameplay, taken territory and not had a secession shortly after that I’ve had to crush. The turmoil in conquered territory is always >50% and it’s basically impossible to build enough to meaningfully affect standard of living to reduce radicals before the secession triggers, especially because of the massive construction penalties from the turmoil.

Like I do not know what I, the player, am supposed to actively do aside from wait for the inevitable secession and crush it. Then it never happens again and the turmoil goes away.

Like am I supposed to just never conquer anything until I have 10000 construction points and can turn the conquered territory into a utopia in a few months? Because the timeline to secession is IMPOSSIBLY short.

    8 months ago

    that’s the neat part you don’t.

    but for real check your infamy, the higher it is the higher the percentage of radicals will be in newly conquered territory. if the primary culture of the state is discriminated in your country, then they get hit with the discrimination penalty which will reduce their wages which lowers their SoL thus more radicals. so try to either conquer somewhere where you won’t get hit for discrimination, or change your laws to accept more people.

    aside from that there’s probably nothing else you can do but to watch the secession counter go up and crush them once they rise up, then incorporate them so they get less radical by your police and home affairs institutions, and your healthcare for easy SoL boost.

    violent suppression decree also does not decrease the amount of radicals as far as i know, it just reduces the debuffs.

      8 months ago

      but im pretty shite at this game so there might be a better way to avoid secessions.

      in my personal experience i haven’t had that much trouble with secessions as you mentioned. it’s definitely an ass mechanic but it doesn’t trigger for me as much as you claim it does for you.