My toddler controls what we listen to in the car. So, I’ve listened to “Part of Your World” from The Little Mermaid a lot, recently.
My Spotify algorithm is still recovering from this very thing. He hijacked it for 3 years
There’s something you can click to have it exclude a song from your algorithm (assuming they haven’t put it behind the Premium paywall like they did with lyrics)
Boston’s Peace of Mind
Vete a cuba by Sons of Aguirre & Scila!
That sounds awesome, I can only pick out a word here or there but the beats and bars are rad.
I’ve been listening to ETHS Crucifère. It’s a French female Metal core band and it’s really good.
Sol, by Vvilderness
This is wonderful, thank you for introducing me
Check out Nordic Winter, Unreqvited, and Elderwind for similar stuff
Will do!
The song has been around since the 70s and I just recently heard. Yusuf Islam’s “The Wind” I don’t know what it is about this song and I’m not religious, but this song touched me.
Great song, thanks, I don’t think I’ve listened to him in 20 years.
A couple months ago I decided to relisten to Love This Giant by David Byrne and St Vincent, and the song Lazarus has be stuck with me ever since. I’ve probably listened to it at least once a day since then.
Dang! Here’s what I’ve been looking for!
Never heard this before, loved it, will listen to the whole album
Glad to share the love. I managed to forget about it for a while, but its become one of my favorite albums. They did a video for single, Who.
Oh MAN they spread out that groooovy JAM!
I’m in the middle of a project now, but that album is my next playthrough ahhh fer surrrre, thanks so much.
Great break tune
Sack of Berwick by Ruadh (black-ish metal)
Eminem - Brand New Dance is pretty catchy.
Superorganism - MIND
I like this song from Superorganism
Ha, I almost posted that one, switched at the last second! Yea, that whole album is great
Stars from Les Miserables
Here’s to Life by Streetlight Manifesto. A song that alludes to several famous individuals who took their own life, and how while they are great inspirations for the singer, they will never follow in their footsteps through suicide. A lot of songs on that album (Everything Goes Numb) are about overcoming thoughts of suicide and broken relationships.
“And it makes me sick when I think of it, all my heroes could not live with this, and I hope you rest in piece because with us you never did. And K.D.C., you were much too young and you changed my life, but I draw the line at suicide! Here’s to liiiiiiiiiiiiiife!”