• @Ludrol
    21 year ago

    Cross-posted from https://lemmy.world/post/455954

    Image of Megumin throwing her cape and calling her name in most edgelordy way

    I really liked whole season, first arc was nice where our protagonist was learning in the academy. Second arc was mid in my opinion, but the shenanigans with the church were funny. Third arc had too many forced glipses to first season for my taste but the final episode tied all relevant plots nicely.

    The progression of Yunyun x Megumin friendship was nice but the ending departure felt forced. But still the final scene where the ED played was top notch.

    As a chill slice of life in fantasy world Konosuba: explosion holds up very strongly.

    Megumin shouting EXPLOSION! making explosion

  • LennethAegis
    01 year ago

    It was nice to see the Megumin and Yunyun relationship build, but overall I was disappointed with the series after they left the village, A few good laughs at the axis church arc, but overall it didn’t really build to anything, it was just the characters meandering around until they reached the point that Megumin joins Kazuma and crew.

    • @Ludrol
      21 year ago

      I think you expected comedy show and we got slice of life show. For me it was an upgrade but I can see when somebody enjoys comedy more than SoL then it would be a downgrade

  • KeegenOP
    01 year ago

    More Yunyun and Megumin hijinks! I wish we got to see more of this duo in the main series, they bounce of each other really well as characters! Megumin is now on a 2-0 streak against powerful demons yet still nobody wants her in their party. The negative reputation of explosion magic sure is powerful!
    The emotional scene in the bedroom was really nice, but this is Konosuba so of course the entire thing was played for laughs moments later!
    I actually really enjoyed this anime! It was a nice bit of side content to help with the wait towards season 3. Getting to see an entire different side of Yunyun compared to the main series was probably the best part, as well as getting more development for the Crimson Demon village as a whole.

    • @Ludrol
      21 year ago

      To be honest I enjoyed SoL prequel more that orginal S1 and S2, (I didn’t watch movie yet). The dynamic between duo was great and also overshadowed by cultural norms that are required of crimson demons.