And Linux isn’t minimal effort. It’s an operating system that demands more of you than does the commercial offerings from Microsoft and Apple. Thus, it serves as a dojo for understanding computers better. With a sensei who keeps demanding you figure problems out on your own in order to learn and level up.

That’s why I’d love to see more developers take another look at Linux. Such that they may develop better proficiency in the basic katas of the internet. Such that they aren’t scared to connect a computer to the internet without the cover of a cloud.

Related: Omakub

  • lemmus
    4 months ago

    If you need help I’m all for this, I was where you are 2 years ago, not too experienced, not too unexperienced, and now after 2 years I can tell you using linux is just knowing few things (hacks) and having appropriate mindset, thats all, nothing complicated. Wirte me if you need someone to ask some things sometimes :)