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Admiral Snaccbar @Chris Mench Serving shrimp with the tail still on when it’s already mixed into something (pasta, rice, etc) is insane.
Yeah I eat the tail. I don’t see anything wrong.
That’s because you’re both insane.
In my case, I think it’s because when my siblings and I were kids, we only got to eat the tail because my parents wouldn’t get shrimp for us but for themselves and then not eat the tail which we would.
I mean, I am insane, but that’s not why.
I have no opinion on eating the tail of the shrimp with the rest of it. The concept of ordering or cooking shrimp, eating the flesh, and then giving someone else the tail is absolutely INSANE to me. It sounds like a bit from a sitcom.
My home life growing up was basically the same shit as Married With Children, but if Al had a better job.
…I didn’t even know eating the tail was an option. Like, it’s pure fucking chitin - there’s nothing to emulsify. It’s like trying to eat a fingernail, or piece of plastic.
Squeezing that last little nub of meat out of it, yeah, but the tail itself? Dafuq?
Or are we talking about that little nub of meat tucked away in the chitin hole? Just realized we might be calling two different things the ‘tail’.
No, the thread is about the crunchy bit. With cocktail shrimp I find it’s better to squeeze the meat out but when the shrimp is cooked and covered in sauce a lot of times I just find it less of a pain to get the meat out alone (especially if they leave the whole shell on after removing only the head and legs).
I didn’t use to eat the shell but after moving to Asia I ended up caring a lot less about whether I eat it or not. I also have other lazy/weird food opinions though-- like I’ll just eat the whole kiwi if im too lazy to go get a knife and spoon-- so maybe that plays into it as well
Gold kiwi skin is very edible, green is less so
Are you sure the parental abuse isn’t why? Not even a little?
You tell em, Ivanaafterall!