So not bathroom related tasks, but more like some arbitrary thing you must and always do daily.

For me, I watch Anton Petrov’s daily white paper summary with dinner since some time in 2018. Even when New Pipe is down, I hit up Vimeo or Odyssey to watch Anton.

    6 months ago

    Thanks for the Anton Petrov recommendation. I’ve been looking for better up to date science reviews, and I was getting sick of the Two Minute Papers channel with its near-constant shilling for Nvidia and OpenAI.

    For me, a daily thing I do is sit in my grandmothers armchair, and put my feet up on a small table that also belonged to her, with my laptop on my lap. I realise that sitting is not a super exciting task, but I guess sitting draped in the unconditional love of your deceased grandma’s possessions makes it sound a bit better.