Okay, this one screams “Absolute Bullshit” unless they have someone in custody. The campaign released this statement without anyone knowing anything or hearing about it first, like someone trying to get some attention. It sure seems like an opportune time to try and fake this shit. Trump Slump hit after the debate because he’s just a gigantic jackass, and they want to dredge up the sentiment from the original shooting and curry favor with voters, but let’s wait and see I guess.Edit: Welp, turns out they have someone in custody.
Trump popped a juicy fart and blamed it on Democrat assassins
On a day when JD Vance effectively admitted to another fabrication, as well.
This not only screams BS but makes me question other similar events which seemed to have perfect timing and a nice photo op.
You don’t think there can be an irresponsible gun owner in Florida?
No, otherwise they would have checks, right?
Worth noting the person in custody did not fire any shots. The shots were fired by the Secret Service.
It’s admittedly a touch tin foil hatty, but I wouldn’t be completely shocked if this ends up being some elaborate hoax to distract from the Roberts SCOTUS memo leak. “Smoke screen the crazy with more crazy” was one of the Trump admin’s go-to strategies, after all.
I wonder; if no one gave a shit when he was visibly shot at, what makes them think we’ll give a shit when there is only hearsay?
His idiot campaign team.
I don’t think their thought process went that far
Needs more jpeg
Shooter was a secret service agent firing at someone they thought had a gun. Suspect was arrested, no word yet if they ACTUALLY had a gun or not.
(I know, I know, NYP, but after going through 5 articles, this one seems to have the most detail.)
“Initial reports suggested two people were firing at each other. However, sources said investigators now believe the Secret Service agent was the only shooter.”
So… americans will defend the right to have guns… but get shot by secret service for having guns…
It’s not even clear that the suspect had a gun, but you know, what other long, tubular shaped metal object could they POSSIBLY have been carrying near a golf course? 🤔
The article you linked was updated, looks like he did have a gun and was spotted while aiming through the fence:
Investigators found the suspect had left behind his “AK-style” rifle, as well as two backpacks, one of which contained ceramic tile, at the scene, Bradshaw said.
Keep Trump safe from gun violence. Vote for Harris Walz and a democratic Congress to get common sense gun regulations in place.
Just get used to the facts of life, okay? No need for breathless reporting, gunshots in the vicinity of Trump should be considered an everyday thing now.
It’ll turn out to be another registered Republican with mental health issues who should never have been able to get a hold of a gun.
Which will make it the fault of the Democrats, of course.
We have a little more information now and it is interesting:
The article starts with:
The Hawaii man suspected in former President Donald Trump’s assassination attempt on Sunday is a long-time Democrat, donating exclusively to the party’s candidates 19 times since 2019, records show.
Then later on it mentions:
Routh, 58, claimed in other social media posts that he supported Donald Trump in his first presidential campaign in 2016 — but later became disillusioned after his chosen candidate won office.
Yeah, the guy appears to have been a Republican up until near the end of Trump’s term, partially supported him into 2020 (while donating to ActBlue), and then ended up completely disillusioned.
He also appears to be more than a little dangerous. In 2002, he was arrested and convicted of carrying a fully automatic machine gun. The guy should never have been able to get another gun.
To make it weirder, read the interview and texts from the guy’s son. He was like "I don’t think he’s ever owned a gun, he’s not violent, he’s only ever had parking tickets " Meanwhile, his father clearly owned a gun, has and is violent, and was literally charged for barricading himself in an office with a machine gun before, which somehow his son (who is in like his mid 30s) apparently didn’t know about?
And then the son texts the reporter later basically sounding like he’s trying to justify what his dad did, because politics is like what Southpark said… wowzy.
Well of course it is. The democrats clearly haven’t done enough to stop them from hurting their own party!
lol, 10 bucks says he heard a car backfire and freaked out.
How can the NRA justify this?
Well famously when the Black Panthers had guns they had a very different tune. Hypocrisy is sorta their bread and butter
Here we go again. Tell me these things are pure coincidences and not attempts to keep this failing man relevant
Busy day
Vance says it’s cool to make shit up
ABC Whistle-blower releases their affidavit
MGT posts on X that the ABC Whistle-blower died in a car crash
is shot after being found with an ak47 at Mara Lagowas shot at by the Secret Service after they saw him with an SKS. He ran away but was caught on the highway.Yep busy day
Edit: forgot the SCOTUS leaks…super duper busy day.
I’m sorry what’s this ABC thing?
An anonymous “whistle-blower” released an affidavit on X. Here is a link to a “news” article about it.
Thank you
I don’t care do you?
Lmfao no but really this seems kind of sad almost. Igs Florida there are gunshots it’s called living in Florida.
How is Someone Shooting a Gun in America NEWS?
Thoughts and prayers!
I mean he was on a Florida golf course
Don’t they have gun ranges on every other block?