It appears another "gigaleak" has gone down, involving Nintendo. According to sources online, it appears that Game Freak has been hacked, resulting in internal data from the company being leaked to the public. Those involved in the hacking community or those within general Pokemon related groups...
Wasn’t it true, but due to time not technical issues. Basically they keep redoing/remaking from scratch sprites instead of re-using them.
Nah, some folks got a hold of the wire frames for the sprites from the that version and the previous version and showed most were identical. Of those that weren’t, many were only slightly modified, and clearly not generated from scratch.
Evidence wouldn’t be as concrete as source code, but there was plenty of evidence from data miners. Gamefreak kept moving goal posts when it came to why it wasn’t feasible for Sword and Shield to have all the Pokémon which is my frustration with that situation. I think they complained about the capacity of the cartridge the games were stored on was one, which was readily proven wrong. Dont quote me on that. But I do think the situation with the models was ultimately the case.