I haven’t used the app in a while but I’m looking for a new one.
Those are Fediverse verified users. It costs $8/month.
/s for people in doubt
I’m in doubt, but I don’t have a
next to my name.You’ve obviously not paid for *Fediverse Plus* :)
DM me your payment info if you want to become verified and we’ll set it up.
My “payment info” is that I currently have a total net worth of 2 (two) crumpled $1 bills, and half a dozen Kyrgyz rubles from 1992.
Geez buddy, that’s rough. Give me your payment info and I’ll send you a dollar
No worries, I’m joking.
Do you have like a screenshot example? That would be helpful if you do.
Stars? I’ve never seen anyone with a star.
Oh, really?
Edit: do you mean the little triple star icon next to the timestamps of new comments?
Yes I mean that. Thank you.
What exactly causes that? It seems to not be for comments under a certain age, but also not for comments you have not viewed yet. It is not consistent.
The rainbow one that if you click takes you to the instance of that person?
It means they’ve edited their post.
edit: check it out
No. Thats the pen.
Do they mean the stars next to the timestamp? That just highlighting “new” comments.
It’s an asterisk if you’re using the Sync app.
edit: just realized where this was posted. Disregard.