Who are these candidates with a “bold climate agenda”? I don’t know any political party in any country, where I’d say ‘they’ve got a bold climate agenda’.
lol for real though.
There aren’t any. The article is talking about what people want.
What would make a “bold climate agenda”?
Stop subsidizing corn. A crazy amount of US crops just get turned into animal feed or ethanol.
73% of Young US Voters should open their eyes and realise that the entire state mechanism is owned by capitalists, and that they would never let anyone who threatens their profits get in to power.
Then they should start reading up on anarchism, and start getting serious about enacting change instead of continuing to play along by the rules the capitalist state has set out for them and expecting said change to somehow materialise out of a system that has, and will continue to, put all of its might in to preventing it.
Let’s just hope they vote.
How many of them support severely restricting their lifestyle to meet those climate goals?
Everyone supports climate action until they find out it means no A/C, riding the city bus, and not having 2.5 kids in a suburban McMansion
You’d be surprised. There are people who are willing to do those things.
Especially if you have city planning that actually works. Instead of what the US currently has.
Most of the young adults in America currently can’t afford kids, housing, or cars.
That’s nice. Now figure out how the standard of living for a young adult in America with no kids renting a studio in Cleveland compares to a family of 4 in rural India
I think it’s more fair to compare average income versus average life satisfaction. (using a scale of 1 to 10) (On this scale Finland is the happiest, and Afghanistan is the least happy)
Average satisfaction for Costa Rica (6.61) or Mexico (6.33) isn’t that much lower than the United States (6.89) at roughly 1/4th the GDP.
South Korea (5.95) doubles Mexico’s GDP ($45.5k vs $20.25k) but has a lower life satisfaction.
Or Hong Kong (5.31, $58k) is close the US ($64k) in GDP but less happy than Russia (5.66, $27.4k).
Costa Rica is at the 1.5t per capita probably safe emissions and has a life satisfaction of 6.61 compared to the US’s 6.89.
Our world in data also has life satisfaction versus CO2 emissions and central america looks to be doing fairly well for themselves. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/life-satisfaction-vs-co-emissions-per-capita
Air Conditioning is already fully electrified. While we should be prioritizing more efficient housing and urbanism, air conditioning and heatpumps are not something we suddenly have to forego with a renewable powered grid, especially in a world that will increasingly require it for survival.