Reposted from c/politics since it violated their rule about needing to have a link:
Now that the fascists have taken over, what books, academic studies, and pieces of knowledge should take priority in personal/private archival? I’m thinking about what happened in Nazi Germany, especially with the burning of the Institute for Sexual Science(Institut für Sexualwissenschaft) and what was lost completely in the burnings.
Some of us should consider saving stuff digitally or physically. Redundancies will help preserve stuff.
If you’d like to support archival in general, consider donating to . They regularly archive books and media that can be potentially banned. It doesn’t hurt to download parts of the archive on your machine if you want to be extra sure, but keep in mind the internet archive is massive with petabytes of data.
And also good to keep in mind is that digital storage is volatile. Yes it’s impractical to have a few terabytes printed out, but if stored properly, it’ll last longer than digital media storage.
Another thing to consider:
If things go full on crazy, like they seem likely to do, being in possession of improper knowledge could be a capital offence when the thought police come knocking.Another thing to consider: If things go full on crazy, like they seem likely to do, being in possession of improper knowledge could be a capital offence when the thought police come knocking.
Ehhh, fuck fascists. They can’t get all of us if a bunch of us do this.
It’s all hypothetical for now. But with control of the house and senate, there’s not a single thing actually stopping them as long as the rank and file of the GOP stay in line and push everything through. Hopefully there’s enough liberal and further left inclined “Well organised militias” to fight back against anything super fashy…
Lmaoo are you serious? Nothing has happened nation wide,. Turns out people like their shitty jobs over murder.and prison. The rule of law did not evaporate.
Good argument for encryption and servers within a privacy respecting country
Yeah, not sure what the actual options are, but hopefully they get it sorted.
Digital data stored right is extremely non-volatile - but it takes an effort to do so,but the same goes for printing out terabytes.
And digital data can be hidden far easier.
Depends on what medium it’s on. Some are far better than others, so as a generalisation I said what I said. A majority of folk these days, when they think digital media storage, think solid state. Which is, in fact, not suited for long term storage. A piece of paper stored correctly is going to outlast a usb drive, SD card or SSD.
That’s what BD M-Disc is for.
Somebody needs to fix IPFS so we can archive all that shit and share in hosting a chunk.
With the internet as it is it’s extremely unlikely we’ll see an information purge like nazi Germany. We might see censorship and destruction of art but information will survive internationally.
We should probably assume most things are hosted in the states and have ron desantis coming for them.
Hopefully they don’t go all “Great Firewall of the US” on us.
Depends on who’s in charge. 50%+ of the internet seems to be hosted by amazon and musk rules his little fiefdom. The call to be proactive isn’t unreasonable.
We might see censorship and destruction of art but information will survive internationally.
As well as imprisoning of people spreading information and making art that the regime doesn’t like.
Your optimism about that is inspiring but one bad solar flare, some sea cables or a pissed off dictator/billionaire can shrink the world real quick. SneakerNETs anyone?
They put porn behind a government ID in most places. Expect it everywhere
Canada will do the same once Pierre takes over. I’m already having to stockpile porn because of the fact he has a 99% chance to win and he’s going to implement digital ID bullshit (even though Pierre claimed to be against digital IDs before If I remember correctly) which will end up being a privacy nightmare. I hope to fuck it’s not going to be linked to social insurance numbers because the only way to get a new social insurance number is if there is actively fraud happening with your social insurance number, and then you have to fight to prove that you’re you. We are so fucked.
More cash for corporations that lobby politicians to take awsy my rights. Fuck VPNs
Are you aware of any non American efforts to archive the American internet?
For a while now I’ve wanted to start a project of shit politicians say. Video as much as possible. Every shitty immoral reprehensible thing that they come out and say and do logged into a searchable archive. Make it super easy for regular people to stitch together anti-political ads using the politicians own words with context.
Why? More than 50% of US voters just elected a convicted felon and rapist. Using the politicians’ utterances against them is not going to do anything.
It’s not for now, it’s for our kids, or their kids, assuming we get some morals in a couple of generations.
Assuming the planet is still habitable
“The statistical likelihood,” continued the autopilot primly, “is that other civilizations will arise. There will one day be lemon-soaked paper napkins. Till then there will be a short delay. Please return to your seat.”
Seriously! I just dont understand how so many people can just overlook this. Honestly they have openly approved it all. They never again have a right to expect justice for themselves, because they approved rampant criminal behavior in about the most formal way.
This is truly sickening. Clearly he can get away with anything just as he has always known. I just cannot figure it out. How can people do this? It truly makes me sure our species stands no chance.
I have to believe in a future where people look back on this from a world with less hatred in it than it currently has. I want to give the perpetrators of hate as little plausible deniability as possible.
I have to believe that even though looking back on history didn’t seem to help us avoid this situation, that there will be people in the future who are wiser and empowered to make better choices for them and their communities.
It’s a fantasy, and I honestly don’t care if it’s unrealistic. It’s what I need to believe to keep going. I need to believe there can be something better after this, regardless of whether I’ll get to experience it.
Trump, so far, has fewer votes than he got in 2020*. The future sucks, but there is hope. Please vote, life is not a passive sport.
Because advertising is what wins?
There’s no such thing as bad publicity anymore. If you can gain a lot of publicity with well-timed and poignant collages and snippets that target audience on say tic Tok. That’s an extremely powerful tool.
Currently things like this take not insignificant time and effort. Reducing the time of production is valuable.
Maybe a warning for future generations about what is apparently acceptable discourse now.
Best time to start this was before. But 2nd best time is now!
That would be awesome, I wish that had existed a few months ago.
I don’t think it would have mattered starting a few months ago he was very open with everything that he did and said. But media like that has a tendency to get buried over time and I want my kids and their kids to know exactly what the f*** happened
It’s very difficult though, sourcing material is difficult enough, archiving and making it actually useful and valuable even moreso. It takes a lot of intelligent processing.
LLMs can reduce that effort a lot, on the searching side, but that’s very expensive either in hardware or in API costs. And either way, would likely involve the efforts of a team to achieve.
Honestly I think the hardest part is identifying it and locating it.
Probably need to start a community around it. People link to stuff. Pay walls would have to be dealt with. In the vast majority of cases that’s not too difficult. No it does start getting less available around video sources. IP restrictions will be a pain in the ass.
Recording the video is messy. YT-DLP could work for some things, But honestly with the level of what’s coming I’d be afraid of leaving fingerprints on anything. Probably throwing a full screen player up in a 1080p window and using OBS on it would be the safest. Could probably get away with using an elgato to capture the HDMI signal up to 4K.
Speech to text models are light enough to run on raspberry pi. They’ll need to be vetted. They’re not highly accurate. Captioning is a great community task.
Organizing an indexing the captions, there’s no shortage of free database software. I probably start with sqlight to keep things portable and fluid. Moving to Maria or Postgres when things get too slow, But then we’re going to have to host it. Anonymous hosting is a completely different ball of wax.
Storing the data would get out of hand quickly. It’s trivial enough to buy a single 20 tb hard drive and store more than we’d need for years. But then hosting it anonymously would be difficult to say the least. Even the markers of these conversations would be traceable enough for us to be located. Paying for a private enough nude to be safe is going to be pricey over time.
I’m sure would take it, But honestly I wouldn’t put $5 on them surviving a couple of years into the new administration. What they’re doing is to inconvenient to too many corporations with deep pockets.
IPFS would work, well about as well as it works anyway, but that’s the opposite of anonymous.
Edit: come to think of it it would be a hoot to run it on the short video federated platform. Just keep the database somewhere else. Again not anonymous enough for my tastes, But what I had a little bit of fun to the project.
The fascist, directly into cold storage and left to bit-rot.
Joking aside, history. If you really think the internet will not be a thing yet want to survive: water purification. farming, water management, plant guides, waste technology (your bodily excretions have a lot of uses (from laundry to fertilizer) but also a number of risks), medicine, forestry, jointery, metalworking, mining, animal husbsnwdry, skinning, hunting, numeracy, literacy, leadership, etc. in roughly that order
You just provided the science tech path for the Civilization games
I’m going to do a shameful plug here, but I have made a sharing protocol & implementation that can be used to store data safely and also to safely share this data.
It’s called Tenfingers
It’s working but it is still in its infancy, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please do say what you think about it!
Lets keep the morale!
Nice to know. I’m starting to think targeted groups will either use stuff like this or IPFS, or have to resort to Tor/I2P
Feel free to propagate the good word :-)
I’m up if someone/some group wants to know more about it, please do tell. For example it can replace IPFS and IMO it’s way easier to setup and use.
I poked around and couldn’t find a repo link. Can you point me to that?
Sure! Here it is:
This looks really interesting, so if I have a folder on a computer and I have it setup to share, then any time something gets added to that folder then is it automatically updated for anyone with the link?
Also, where should people go to help, or find out how to help?
You have to manually update your folder (but that can obviously be automated) otherwise yes that’s it!
For more i formation, you can just follow the link in my post. I have also set up a community but it is very empty at the moment.
Or just look for me, Valmond, and pop a question :-)
To help? I confess I’m a disaster for PR so I’m just doing my best, but if you’d set up a node that would really be helpful to iron out problems, and with feedback make the setup&usage simpler etc. For example, small files are shared “for free” (configurable) but if your folder is big (for example), then you need nodes in the network to want to share big things too.
You can obviously just put the links to bigger already shared data in the folder to make things smoother.
So trying it out and giving feedback would be fantastic!
Pack everything and leave
In reality we (the internet people) still have the stuff.
To where, exactly?
No snark, I’m genuinely interested.
How do you convince the new place to let you stay?
Say you are a refugee because you have to fear your safety. At best be LGBT or a minority. Or just go to Germany and become a citizen, its not that hard.
You can easily keep Wikipedia around - burn it on archive BDs(M-Disc), they are easily hidden, can take the whole Wikipedia in one disk and basic information is extremely valuable in an oppressive regime. Then do the same for a collection of E-Books based on what is most likely to be banned/what the right wing does take the biggest offence on. And what aids you the most in either getting out or resist.
Using archive BDs(M-Discs) is important as regular storage devices can easily be detected due to their metallic contents and they degrade within years. M-Discs are far more resilient and can be almost as easily hidden.
WTF is a BDSM disc? Some kind of kink thing?
And BDs would be Bluray disks
Apparently porn based on all the bans in the south.
Honestly, everything. Any TV show, movie, documentary, book, or hell even porn that could be deemed as valuable or important in any way as I could see any one of these things becoming outlawed with such a regime. Hell, Canada’s new prime minister (99% chance to win in the next election apparently) is going to try for putting porn behind digital IDs (despite claiming to be against digital IDs before if I remember correctly) which is just going to be a privacy nightmare unfortunately, I’m already having to stockpile porn because of this ridiculous bullshit. We are truly in a doomed timeline.
$ changed his mind, just like musky boi. all of a sudden he’s a bible thumper? fuck outta here,he’s expanding the grift.
and apparently the bible thumpers like rape, sexual assault, child molestation enough to elect a racist 34x felon who has done all of the above. blows my damn mind.
deleted by creator
Archive their heads like how the French did it. Guillotine is in the history for a reason
Damian Haglund’s website, it’s an exquisite piece of knowledge.
Download and save the evidence of their crimes before they have a chance to erase them. This includes the January 6th report, the evidence that Jack Smith has collected if it becomes publicly available, Trump’s recorded deposition in the E Jean Carroll case, etc…