Its not getting any better. dont know what to do. I cant live in a future like this. All of the work we have put out is now gone. Ita going to get worse

    4 months ago

    Yeah, I agree we have to accept change. In the long run sure, life will be okay, and a new totally unique array of different species will exist. I think next to a healthy stable biosphere, which biodiversity is a fundament of, a lot of people feel the grief/sadness because of the loss of all this natural beauty. Be it ecosystems or species. And I think a problem is, that sure nature adapted and shifted due to natural cycles. Deserts and jungles moved north/south/east/west depending on changing circumstances. But next to geographical limits, there is also the limit that a lot of ground is claimed and protected by culture. Be it agricultural or cities.

    I don’t totally agree to the COP progress, yes it is a slow process. And totally not moving at a speed we need or like. But at the moment it is the best we have. And as far as climate goes, a lot more has been done because of COPs then without them. Though I certainly hope we can develop better processes and cooperation between countries on these issues.