Having come across videos of that new Dragon Age game and its (by the look of it) cool looking combat I’ve gotten the urge for something similar. Action RPG of some kind, being able to rock on as a wizard and blast spells all day. Some tactical element to spell slinging and comboing would be nice.
Love me some recommendations!
Kingdoms of Amalur has very fun, very flashy combat. The rest of the game is really ehhh, but if you just want to blast magic and have cool skills then it’s a great choice.
Kingdoms of Amalur is a great example of a perfectly enjoyable, mid action RPG. It’s not going to like define a generation, but every time it comes up I think back on it fondly.
I would like another like it.
Maybe less open environments to make it feel less like an MMO. But yes.
They did a remaster a couple years ago. I love the ease of changing and variety of gameplay styles it affords.
Divinity 2 Ego Draconis (not to be confused with Divinity Original Sin 2) had a quite similar feel to me.
Recently released Wayfinder has been scratching that itch for me! It used to be a multiplayer live-service game, but during early access it got converted to a normal singleplayer/coop game with 0 microtransactions and it’s a lot of fun. My only issues are with performance, which isn’t great, and build variety, which doesn’t exist. There are 8 characters with limited customization (except visual, you can do a lot with all the dyes and trinkets) and you just gotta rotate between them to keep the playstyle fresh.
But the combat is fun, the graphics are great (they aren’t beautiful, but they have that timeless cartoonish high fantasy aesthetic, like early WoW), and there is a lot of stuff to do and reward chests to collect. It really is feeling like a new KoA to me - as you said, just a solid, mid-tier action RPG.
So considering that we’re in patientgamers… add to a wishlist and wait for a sale? :P
Added to the list! Thanks for the recco, it sounds like a good game to go in to if you’ve got reasonable expectations.