natural fats are generally healthy and keeps you satisfied for longer and in a less crashy way as opposed to sugars/carbohydrates in general

I feel like I experience a reduced need to eat and snack when my food includes natural fats, especially when in combination with protein. To put it very simply, I’m persuaded the more healthy fats, the better, they should not be limited or demonized in the way that they have been maligned when sugar was the greater evil all along

    4 months ago

    I have never used margarine, even when it was marketed as healthier than butter, agree on natural fats.

    I’m old so have had some time to experiment. Fasting 36 hours each week dropped my bad cholesterol a staggering amount while moderately raising the one considered good, and I didn’t lose weight, but it decreased my quality of life because fasting is a migraine trigger for me.

    Gaining weight to closer to the middle of what’s considered healthy for my height has overall made me feel better, which pisses me off because I like the way I look skinny, so I think adequate nutrition is also healthy. Like, while you shouldn’t overeat, it’s also not great to undereat.

    I avoid ultra processed food except for an occasional diet coke, maybe once a month, and flour tortillas because I usually cannot be bothered to make them. Most of what we eat is homemade from ingredients.

    The thing I understand about nutrition is that there is a difference between a Therapeutic diet and an everyday nourishing diet. People do extreme diets and it fixes something so they then extrapolate to everyone else and think it’s a perfect diet, but when continued or used by someone who doesn’t need it, can cause problems itself.

    I try to eat a moderate, enjoyable everyday nourishing diet so I don’t end up needing a therapeutic diet!