I prefer regular foods that help with constipation, not meds.
UPDATE: I forced the shit out somehow
Try not pooping for 3 days. This tricks your body into no longer being constipated
That’s what got me constipated in the first place.
Yo, didn’t notice it was the same person
This is hilarious
The profile picture is super memorable to me, for some reason.
So are we going to get an explanation on the 3 poopless days?
Sorry but I really can’t 🥲
So I’m going to assume the no poop mission was a success.
It sure was. The resulting constipation was hell though.
I managed to force the shit out somehow thanks everyone.
I am happy for your achievement. Well done!
I love these posts. But Imma be pissed off if we find out mizu is Gallowboob or some fucker like that from reddit.
mizu is what
The classic way I know of is a large black coffee and a bran muffin. If you can manage to get stuck in traffic about an hour after you eat, it increases the odds of it working.
Prune juice, coffee, and any spicy foods.
Thanks a lot imma try them all at once
You joke, but old school nurses do just that: mix prune juice, coffee, and milk of magnesia. They call this combo “The Bomb” lol: https://drslusher.com/constipation-remedy-or-the-bomb/
I’m more inclined to tell you that while I appreciate your commitment to a natural remedy, Miralax (polyethylene glycol powder) is the most effective remedy in my personal experience as a nurse. For what it’s worth.
So you gave yourself constipation in order to not poop for 3 days… can you tellbus what you were doing now?
I’m so confused on this dudes post history. Intentionally clearing himself out and giving himself constipation but with access to toilets and an air conditioned tent??
This is either the biggest shitpost ever or some kind of evacuation fetish.
Shits crazy.
I’ll just say that there’s a reason for the old people eating prunes stereotype.
My wife swears by dried apricots. Make sure you are in a well ventilated, prefeably unpopulated space as you are going to produce some gas that will make your eyes water.
The advice is good but also consider going for a hard run. That usually helps me. There is a lot of data to suggest healthy digestion requires regular movement and particularly exercise.
Regular movement results in regular movement.
The Sage of Mizu continues…
Eat 2 Kiwi Fruits a day
Isn’t available here atm
prune juice XD trust me
"It may be used as a dietary supplement to act as a laxative. " /wikipedia
I’m gonna try to find it at the store when I go out. Thanks.
I take kratom, an herb with opioid properties so I deal with this a lot. Prunes and other dried fruits have sugar alcohols, which work for a lot of people, coffee is ok. I take magnesium and fuller supplements, so try bananas and oatmeal if you wanna do this with just food.
Idk if that’s available in my area but I’ll try to look for it. Thanks.