God damn!
Im sure that means his career is over, right?
… right?Im sure that means his career is over, right?
He’s been promoted to a different career.
Trumpisms Peter Principle.
I think the Peter Principle is supposed to freeze you in the first job you’re unsuited for, not just keep pushing you upward.
“When you’re a star, they let you do it”
The Republican party, and a shocking number of people in general, are perfectly fine with whatever. They don’t actually have any kind of genuine moral or ethical system. I feel like such a fucking old man now talking like this but goddamn is it gross that a guy who paid children for sex is going to be the Attorney General, that is not how it worked when I grew up. I mean, it was how it worked but if you got caught that was it. Everyone shunned you and your career in public service was over, you had to go work as a lobbyist or sit on some corporate boards and keep your head down.
I mean, it might make it ever so slightly harder for him to be confirmed by the Senate…maybe?
Yup. He’s finished in politics. Time for life as an attorney. Zero experience necessary.
If Trump is going to appoint a pedo, can he at least find one someone who worked more than 2 years as a
legal secretaryassociate attorney?This guy is a career politician, not an attorney.
Trump WANTS the highest level of law enforcement to be political.
He also wrote a check with a memo that said “tuition reimbursement.” Just pisspoor criminality. Even high school weed dealers know not to leave a paper trail and use cash. (Or maybe whatever anonymous cryptocurrency the dark web uses nowadays. I haven’t talked to a high school weed dealer since I was in high school many moons ago. You could tell me kids buy weed with Roblox Buxx and I’d believe you.)
Cash is always king.
People on the internet: well he was never indicted and convicted so we should let it all go
Me: so what was all that money for? Braces?
He has too much money to be held accountable. People with that much money only get held accountable if their crime is against others with that much money.
William Barr said there was no wrongdoing. And he’s a paragon of virtue. Absolutely no problematic connections to pedophiles whatsoever.
$420 “Joy” is a fun payment.
These were supposedly payments for innocent things like school and supplies. Gaetz just gets a lot if joy from people learning and living humble decent lives.
Women? Or underage girls?
And if this was to keep them quiet, he sure learned a lot from his dear Leader didn’t he
The Venmo records show that between July 2017 and late January 2019, Gaetz – who was first elected in 2016 – allegedly made 27 Venmo payments totaling $10,224.02 to the two witnesses, who were over the age of 18 at the time.
He fucked the underaged girls and paid off the of-age witnesses. Seems he doesn’t have an interest in fucking people over 17
There’s probably a surcharge for dealing with the forehead.
No one opposes The Thumb!
Lol isn’t venmo that social network that makes all your payments public?
What a dumbass. Quick, check if he bought cocaine on it too